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- 03. SPAIN
- 1980 - 1993. Postage labels
- 1989 - 1990. Frama issue
- 1992 - 1996. Klüssendorf / IBM issues
- 1992 - 2007. EPELSA & MOBBA thermal ATM issues
- ARM issues
- Special ATM machines LF
- Special imprints (2001-2006)
- Test issues
- Thermal ATMs 1992-1997
- 10. Hand writing letter
- 11. Post emblem (2)
- 12. Globe and space (1 - dark blue)
- 14. Globe and space (2 - light blue)
- 16.1. Literatura - Cervantes (Partially phosphorescent paper)
- 16.2. Literatura - Cervantes (Phosphorescent paper)
- 17.1. Naturaleza (Nature) - Type 1 (Matt paper)
- 17.2. Naturaleza (Nature) - Type 2 (Glossy paper)
- 18. Pintura (Painting)
- 19. Musica (Music)
- 4.1. Post emblem - Paper ALBENIZ
- 4.2. Post emblem - Paper OVELAR
- 4.3. Post emblem - Paper FNMT
- 7. Men figures
- 9. Letter
- Year ATM collections
- Thermal ATMs 1998
- Thermal ATMs 1999
- 26. Navidad 98 (Christmas - Dove - star)
- 27. Calpe
- 28. IV Centenario (1598-1998) Felipe II
- 29. Sta. María la Real de la Almudena. Madrid
- 30. 1999. Año de la educación vial (Road safety education)
- 31. Calidad postal (Postal quality)
- 32. 50 Aniversario Coronación Sta. María Puerto - Santoña
- 33. 100 Años Real Club Tenis Barcelona - 1899
- 34. Coronación Canónica M. Stma. de la Estrella
- 35. Virgen del Carmen (Virgin of Carmen)
- 36. España Turistica (Tourist Spain)
- 37. Exposición Mundial de Filatelia España 2000
- 38. 75 Aniversario Coronación Virgen Belén - Patrona Almansa
- Year ATM collections
- Thermal ATMs 2000
- 39. Copa del Rey ACB 2000 - Vitoria-Gasteiz
- 40. 1er. Congreso Internacional Prevención Riesgos Laborales
- 41. 1900 - 2000. Cien Años Seguridad Social
- 42. Gran Regata 2000
- 43. XX Convención Ciudades Carnaval. Santa Cruz Tenerife
- 44. Expo 2000 Hannover - Pabellón de España
- 45. 350 Aniv. Purísima santuario Castroverde de Campos (Zamora)
- 46. III Centenario Sra. Dolores y Cristo Clemencia. Córdoba
- 47. HISPASAT 1C. El satélite español (Spanish satellite)
- 48. Año Jubilar Lebaniego. Santo Toribio de Liébana (Cantabria)
- 49. Terra Mítica
- 50. 50 Aniversario Convención Europea Derechos Hombre
- Year ATM collections
- Thermal ATMs 2001
- 2001. Collections
- 51. Locomotora 120, Madrileña (1851) (Steam locomotive)
- 52. Locomotora 141, 2040 - Norte (1918)
- 53. Consejo Internacional de Museos - ICOM 2001 Barcelona
- 54. Locomotora 030, 2103 - Norte 1405 (1861) (Steam locomotive)
- 55. Locomotora 030, 2577 - M.Z.A. 454 (1882) (Steam locomotive)
- 56. Tourism - Map of Spain
- 57. Bicentenario del nacimiento de Alejandro MON 1801-2001
- 58. FORD T (CASC)
- 59. Hispano Suiza T (CASC)
- 60. Peugeot Bébé
- 61. Rolls Royce S.G. 1919
- 62. De Dion Bouton B.S. (CASC)
- 63. Humber "T" 1910 (CASC)
- Thermal ATMs 2002
- 64. Monet Goyon LB, 1932 (MMC - Hervás)
- 65. II Congreso Internacional Prevención Riesgos Laborales - ORP 2002
- 66. Norton, 1936 (CASC)
- 67. New Hudson, 1914 (CASC)
- 68. Motobecane B-44, 1930 (MMC - Hervás)
- 69. Nimbus 750, 1939 (MMC - Hervás)
- 70. Foro Postal Europa-América 2002 (Europe- America Postal Forum)
- 71. Crucero Infanta Isabel, S. XIX (M.N.M.)
- 72. Pailebote 'Santa Eulàlia' (M.M.B.-C.D.M.)
- 73. Vapor mixto 'Miguel M. Pinillos'
- 74. Jabeque (M.M.B.-C.D.M.)
- 75. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Zaragoza
- 76. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Cadiz
- 77. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Logroño
- 78. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - A Coruña
- 79. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture). Osorno (Palencia)
- 80. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture). Ferrol
- 81. Posta arkitektura (Postal architecture). Donostia - San Sebastián
- 82. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Madrid
- 83. Salamanca 2002. Ciudad Europea de la Cultura
- 84. Concurs Pinta el teu segell - Llengües d'Europa (Draw your stamp competition)
- Thermal ATMs 2003
- 100. Berliet - 1926. Museo Historia Automoción - Salamanca
- 101. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon Otoño
- 102. Donosti - 1928. Museo Historia Automoción - Salamanca
- 56.3. Tourism - Map of Spain (Third reprinting - SIGNE)
- 85. Mobylette AU-HT con sidecar, 1954 (MMC-Hervás)
- 86. Sanglas 350/1, 1948 (MMC - Hervás)
- 87. Soriano Puma con sidecar, 1947 (MMC-Hervás)
- 88. Amilcar - 1927. Museo Historia Automoción - Salamanca
- 89. Sammer Gallery. El Verano
- 90. Sammer Gallery. Bodegón con Tulipanes
- 91. Faeton exclusivo
- 92. Sammer Gallery. El Otoño
- 93. Hispano Suiza 20-30 HP - 1910. Museo Historia Automoción
- 94. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon
- 95. Sammer Gallery. Frutas
- 96. DKW con sidecar - 1938. Museo de la Moto Clásica de Hervás
- 97. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon Naranjas
- 98. Spider con capota. Año 1705. Museo Moto Clásica de Hervás
- 99. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon Farmacia
- Thermal ATMs 2004
- 103. Sammer Gallery. Uvae
- 104. Locomotora y Tender. Año: 1900-1901. Museo del Ferrocarril
- 105. 11-M Madrid, Día Europeo de las Víctimas del Terrorismo (European Day Victims Terrorism)
- 106. Sammer Gallery. Bodegón del Sifón
- 107. Red Life. Sammer Gallery (1)
- 108. España 2004. Exposición Mundial de Filatelia (Royal wedding Felipe de Borbón - Letizia Ortiz)
- 109. Red Life. Sammer Gallery (2)
- 110. Pegaso Z-102 SS P Spyder Serra Prototipo 1955. Museo Historia Automoción Salamanca
- 111. Bodegon con calabaza. Sammer Gallery
- 112. J. Carrero. Carta desde mi tierra
- 113. Rolls Royce 1947. Modelo Coupé Serra
- 56.4. Tourism - Map of Spain (Reprinting RCM)
- Special Exposición Filatélica Nacional EXFILNA 2004 Valladolid
- Special Exposición Mundial de Filatelia ESPAÑA 2004 (Royal wedding)
- Thermal ATMs 2005
- 114. Constitución Europea (European Constitution)
- 115. J. Carrero. Tarjeta Postal
- 116. Milord 1900. Museo de la Moto Clásica de Hervás
- 117. Locomotora (locomotive) 1887. Museo del Ferrocarril
- 118. Meléndez. Africanas II. Sammer Gallery
- 119. Meléndez. Frutas & Girasol. Sammer Gallery
- 120. Meléndez: Guitarra con Frutas. Sammer Gallery
- 121. Meléndez: Tengo que pintarlo. Sammer Gallery
- 122. Chico Montilla: La tarde crece interminable. Sammer Gallery
- 123. Chico Montilla: Las Ballenas de piedra. Sammer Gallery
- 124. Chico Montilla: Las Flores silvestres. Sammer Gallery
- 125. Chico Montilla: Mañana en jardín. Sammer Gallery
- 126. Igor Fomin. s/t (Untitled). Sammer Gallery
- 127. Igor Fomin. Adelaida la Fantasiosa. Sammer Gallery
- 128. Locomotora Estado serie 1000. Ferrocarril transpirenaico
- 129. Igor Fomin. Los bombones y el amor a primera vista
- Special Exposición Filatélica Nacional EXFILNA 2005 Alicante
- Thermal ATMs 2006 - 2007
- From 2016 to now. Intelligent AR - ATM issues
- ATM issues 2016
- 2016. 00. Annual sets
- 2016. 01. XLVIII Feria Nacional del Sello 2016 - Cibeles & Plaza
- 2016. 02. Old postbox & packet - Telegraph & digital mail - '14-19 Septiembre Zaragoza'
- 2016. 02. Old postbox & packet - Telegraph & digital mail - '21-24 Abril 2016 Madrid'
- 2016. 02. Old postbox & packet - Telegraph & digital mail - 'Madrid Chamartin'
- 2016. 03. EXFILNA / ECC 2016 - Cathedral & bridges
- ATM issues 2017
- ATM issues 2018
- ATM issues 2019
- 2019. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2019. 01. Palacio Comunicaciones + Lenguas indígenas
- 2019. 02. JUVENIA 2019 Burgos (El Cid + Sarmental rose window)
- 2019. 03. 51 Feria Nacional del Sello - Humor gráfico (Humour)
- 2019. 04. Centenario Palacio de Comunicaciones (SPECIAL EDITION)
- 2019. 05. 57 EXFILNA 2019 Santander (Crane & Beachcombers)
- 2019. 06. 73ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne Paris (Notre-Dame)
- ATM issues 2020
- 2020. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2020. 01. Cyclist postmen + Year of Plant health
- 2020. 02. IX Feria Intern. Coleccionismo (Villanueva Serena)
- 2020. 03. 100 years of first Airmail & Women in Olympic sport
- 2020. 04. Agradecimiento. Covid-19 (Thanks to essential workers)
- 2020. 05. 58 EXFILNA / ECC Cáceres 2020 (Virtual x Covid 19)
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2021
- 2021. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2021. 01. 75 aniv. servicio Filatélico Correos + XACOBEO 2021
- 2021. 02. Año Internacional para la eliminación del trabajo infantil (Elimination of Child Labour)
- 2021. 03. 59 EXFILNA Lugo 2021 (National Stamp Exhibition) - 21 a 24 de octubre de 2021
- 2021. 04. XACOBEO 2021 (Holy Year) - Special edition, imprint '21-24 octubre Lugo'
- 2021. 05. Exposición Nacional de Filatelia Juvenil (Youth stamp exhibition) - JUVENIA 2021 Oviedo
- 2021. 06. XACOBEO 2021 (Holy Year) - Special edition, imprint '10 noviembre Oviedo'
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2022
- 2022. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2022. 01. Salud mental y COVID-19 & Año Internacional del vidrio - 'Madrid Chamartín'
- 2022. 02. Fiestas populares - Fallas València & Parque Natural de l'Albufera de València
- 2022. 03. Fallas València & Parque Natural de l'Albufera - Special edition with graphics
- 2022. 04. Salud mental y COVID-19 & Año Internacional del vidrio - 'Madrid Clara Campoamor'
- 2022. 05. 52 Feria Nacional del Sello - Puerta de Alcalá & Templete estación metro
- 2022. 06. 52 Feria Nacional del Sello - Puerta Alcalá & Templete metro - Special edition with graphics
- 2022. 07. LGTBI+ (Madrid Orgullo - Madrid Pride 2022)
- 2022. 08. LGTBI+ (Madrid Orgullo - Madrid Pride 2022) - Special edition with graphics
- 2022. 09. Fiestas populares Sanfermines, Pamplona / Iruña
- 2022. 10. Fiestas populares Sanfermines, Pamplona / Iruña - Special edition with graphic
- 2022. 11. EXFILNA Irún - 500 años expedición Magallanes-Elcano & Barco Mariñel
- 2022. 12. EXFILNA Irún - 500 años expedición Magallanes-Elcano & Barco Mariñel - Edition with graphics
- 2022. 13. EXFILNA Irún - Barco Mariñel, Hondarribia - Special imprint - '22 septiembre Hondarribia'
- 2022. 14. EXFILNA Irún - 500 años expedición Magallanes-Elcano - Special imprint '23 septiembre Getaria'
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2023
- 2023. 1. Día Internacional de la Paz y Homenaje ATM antiguas - 'Madrid Clara Campoamor'
- 2023. 2. Día Internacional de la Paz y la No Violencia - Special imprint '31 enero Burgos'
- 2023. 3. EXFILNA Teruel - Castillo de Mora de Rubielos & Torico
- 2023. 4. EXFILNA Teruel - Castillo de Mora de Rubielos & Torico - Special editions with graphics
- 2023. 5. Reptil marino Liopleurodon. Mar Nummus (Albarracín)
- 2023. 6. Reptil marino Liopleurodon. Mar Nummus (Albarracín) - Special edition with graphics
- 2023. 7. EXFILNA Teruel - Castillo de Mora de Rubielos - Special imprint '20 abril Mora de Rubielos'
- 2023. 8. Reptil marino Liopleurodon. Mar Nummus (Albarracín) - Special imprint '21 abril Albarracín'
- 2023. 9. Sevilla Fiestas de Primavera (Sevilla Spring Festivals)
- 2023. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2023. 10. Sevilla Fiestas de Primavera (Sevilla Spring Festivals) - Special editions with graphics
- 2023. 11. TAIPEI 2023 39th Asian International Stamp Exhibition
- 2023. 12. TAIPEI 2023 39th Asian International Stamp Exhibition - Special edition with graphic
- 2023. 13. Fiestas Populares. La Mercè Castells Barcelona (La Mercè Festival)
- 2023. 14. La Mercè Castells Barcelona (La Mercè Festival) - Special editions with graphics
- 2023. 15. 53 Feria Nacional del Sello - Ciudad sostenible y Consumo responsable
- 2023. 16. 53 Feria del Sello - Ciudad sostenible y Consumo responsable - Editions with graphics
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2024
- 2024. 1. 2024 Año Internacional Camélidos & Polikarpov I-16 - 'Madrid Clara Campoamor'
- 2024. 2. Avión Polikarpov I-16 - '4 febrero Madrid' - Special edition with graphic
- 2024. 3. Año Lunar Chino del Dragón 2024 - '9-11 febrero Madrid' (Chinese Lunar Year of the Dragon)
- 2024. 4. Año Lunar Chino del Dragón 2024 - '9-11 febrero Madrid' - Special edition with graphic
- 2024. 5. 54 Feria Nacional del Sello - Cervantes en Madrid & Antonio Palacios Hotel Florida
- 2024. 6. 54 Feria Sello - Cervantes en Madrid & Antonio Palacios Hotel Florida - Editions with graphics
- 2024. 7. JAKARTA 2024 Asian International Stamp Exhibition - '3-7 julio Jakarta'
- 2024. 8. JAKARTA 2024 Asian International Stamp Exhibition - '3-7 july Jakarta' - Edition with graphic
- 2024. 9. LA VUELTA 24 Salida Lisboa - '17 agosto Lisboa'
- 2024. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2024. 11. LA VUELTA 24 Llegada Madrid - '8 septiembre Madrid'
- 2024. 12. LA VUELTA 24 Llegada Madrid - '8 septiembre Madrid' - Special edition with graphic
- 2024. 13. 62 EXFILNA - Castillo de Peñafiel & 69 SEMINCI Valladolid
- 2024. 14. 62 EXFILNA - Castillo de Peñafiel & 69 SEMINCI Valladolid - Special editions with graphics
- 2024.10. LA VUELTA 24 Salida Lisboa - '17 agosto Lisboa' - Special edition with graphic
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2025
- ATM issues 2016
- Lots & collections
- Other franking systems
- 04. AFRICA
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Namibia (South West Africa - SWA)
- South Africa
- 1980s - Variable value stamps
- 1986. Definitive issue (1)
- 1986. Johannesburg 100
- 1987. Definitive issue (2)
- 1987. PAARL 300
- 1988. PIETERMARITZBURG 150 - 22-27 Nov. 1988
- 1988. Post logo (1) - P.001
- 1988. Post logo (2)
- 1989. WANDERERS 101 - 6-9 September 1989
- 1990. STAMPS 150 SEELS
- 1992. Pretoria 92
- 1994. Benoni 94
- 1998. Landscapes of the South Africa's provinces
- 2004. 2010 Bid - FIFA Word Cup
- Tunisia
- Zimbabwe
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- 1979. XVIII Congreso da União Postal Universal
- 1981. Definitive issue (1)
- 1981. Definitive issue (2)
- 1993. Brasiliana 93 - Exposiçao Mundial de Filatelia
- 1993. Post emblem
- 1994. 46a Feira internacional do livro - Frankfurt
- 1997. White dove (1)
- 2000. Ararajuba
- 2004. White dove (2)
- 2004. White dove (3)
- Variable value stamps
- Canada
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- 1993. Typical oxcart (Klüssendorf issue)
- 2002. Playa Manzanillo (Manzanillos beach) (1)
- 2002. Playa Manzanillo (Manzanillos beach) (2)
- 2003. Rana calzonuda (Agalychnis callidryas) - Gaudy Leaf Frog
- 2004. Isla del Coco (Coco island)
- 2004. Volcán Arenal (Arenal volcano)
- 2005. Rana Roja Venenosa (Blue jeans dart frog)
- 2005. Volcán Irazú (Irazu volcano)
- 2008. Boyero (Ox cart driver)
- 2010. Golfo de Papagayo (Gulf of Papagayo)
- 2010. Tortuga Lora (Lora turtle - Lepidochelys olivacea)
- 2012. Correos de Costa Rica logo (1)
- 2012. Correos de Costa Rica logo (3)
- 2013. Correos de Costa Rica logo (2)
- 2014. Correos de Costa Rica logo (4)
- 2017. Víbora de Montaña (Bothriechis nigroviridis) - Speckled palm viper
- 2018. Mielero Patirrojo (Cyanerpes cyaneus) - Red-legged honeycreeper
- 2020. Araña Saltarina (Salticidae) - Jumping spider
- 2021. Esmeralda de coronilla cobriza (Elvira cupreiceps) - Coppery-headed emerald
- 2022. Ranita Venenosa Granular (Oophaga granulifera) - Granular Poison Dart Frog
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Mexico
- Netherlands Antilles
- Panama
- 1989. AUTOPOST issue
- 1992. US symbol
- 1994. US symbol (2)
- 2004 - 2020. APC / SSK issues
- 2008. STAMPS.COM
- 2009. STAMPS.COM
- 2010-2011. STAMPS.COM
- 2011. AVERY
- 2011. Pitney Bowes - mail&go
- 2012. Stamps.com
- 2021. APC / SSK. A visit from St Nick
- 2022. APC / SSK. Holiday Elves
- 2023. APC / SSK. Snowman
- 2024. APC / SSK. Poinsettia (Christmas)
- ENDICIA issues
- HASLER issues
- STAMPS.COM 2002-2004
- STAMPS.COM 2005-2006
- 06. ASIA
- China
- Hong Kong
- 1986. Fish
- 1987. Year of the rabbit
- 1988. Year of the Dragon
- 1989. Year of the snake
- 1990. Year of the horse
- 1991. Year of the goat
- 1992. Year of the monkey
- 1993. Year of the rooster
- 1994. Year of the dog
- 1995. Year of the pig
- 1996. Year of the rat
- 1997. Year of the buffalo
- 1998. Hong Kong
- 1998. Year of the tiger
- 2002. Special issue
- 2009. Definitive issue (1)
- 2010. Definitive - kiosk (3)
- 2010. Definitive issue (2)
- 2018. Definitive issue (Postal kiosks)
- 2021. Bauhinia x blakeana, flor nacional de Hong Kong
- Test issues
- Variable value / Counter stamps (1980's)
- Indonesia
- Israel
- 1988 - 1998. FRAMA issues
- 1990 - 1998. KLÜSSENDORF issues
- 1990. Post emblem
- 1992. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1993. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1994-97. Tourism - Capernaum
- 1994. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1994. Tourism - Akko
- 1994. Tourism - Bethlehem
- 1994. Tourism - Jerusalem
- 1994. Tourism - Jerusalem (2)
- 1994. Tourism - Nazareth
- 1994. Tourism - Tiberias
- 1994. Tourism - Yafo
- 1994. Turismo - Massada
- 1995. Jerusalem 3000
- 1995. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1996. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1996. Turismo - Haifa
- 1997. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1997. Tourism - Knesset
- 1997. Turismo - Beer Sheva
- 1998. ISRAEL 98 (Klüssendorf)
- 1998. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1991 - ... MASSAD / MAOR stamps
- ATM issues 2004
- ATM issues 2005
- ATM issues 2006
- ATM issues 2007
- ATM issues 2008
- ATM issues 2009
- ATM issues 2010
- ATM issues 2011
- ATM issues 2012
- ATM issues 2013
- 2013. Blue water lily - Nymphaea caerulea (Endangered flowers 5)
- 2013. Coral peony - Paeonia mascula (Endangered flowers 3)
- 2013. Endangered flowers
- 2013. Iris mariae (Endangered flowers 2)
- 2013. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2013. Spotted Rockrose - Tuberaria guttata (Endang. flowers 4)
- 2013. Tel Aviv Stamp Exhibition - Israel 65 Years
- ATM issues 2014
- ATM issues 2015
- 2015.01. Phasianidae (Partridges and Allies)
- 2015.02. Alectoris chukar (Chukar partridge)
- 2015.03. Postal vehicles
- 2015.04. Ammordix heyi (Ammoperdix heyi - Sand partridge)
- 2015.05. Francolinus francolinus (Black francolin)
- 2015.06. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2015.07. Coturnix coturnix (Common quail)
- ATM issues 2016
- 2016.01. Dog Adoption in Israel
- 2016.02. Dog Adoption in Israel (2) - Willy - Southern Israel
- 2016.03. Dog Adoption in Israel (3) - Bob - Central Israel
- 2016.04. Dog Adoption (4) - Viki & Riki - Central Israel
- 2016.05. Dog Adoption in Israel (5) - Teddy - Northern Israel
- 2016.06. JERUSALEM 2016 Stamp Exhibition
- 2016.07. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2017
- ATM issues 2018
- 2018. 01. Trains in Israel
- 2018. 02. The Valley Railway - Locomotive 265
- 2018. 03. Steam locomotives - 70414
- 2018. 04. Diesel locomotives - 1307
- 2018. 05. Israel 70 Years of Independence
- 2018. 06. World Stamp Championship (Jerusalem tramway)
- 2018. 07. World Stamp Championship - Israel 2018 - MAOR
- 2018. 08. Electric locomotives - 3003
- 2018. 09. Season's Greetings From the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2019
- 2019. 01. Fighter jets in the Israeli Air Force
- 2019. 02. Fighter jets (3) - Dassault Mystère IVA
- 2019. 03. Fighter jets (2) - Supermarine Spitfire IX
- 2019. 04. Fighter jets (4) - A-4H Skyhawk
- 2019. 05. Fighter jets (5) - Dassault Mirage IIICJ
- 2019. 06. Dare to Dream - Eurovision Song Contest Tel Aviv 2019
- 2019. 07. Fighter jets (6) - F-4E Phantom II
- 2019. 08. Fighter jets (7) - F-16A Fighting Falcon
- 2019. 09. Fighter jets (8) - F-15I Strike Eagle
- 2019. 10. Fighter jets (9) - F-35I Lightning II
- 2019. 11. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2020
- 2020. 01. Israeli Air Force Helicopters
- 2020. 02. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (2) - Hiller 360
- 2020. 03. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (3) - Sikorsky H-34
- 2020. 04. IAF Helicopters (4) - Aerospatiale Super Frelon SA 321
- 2020. 05. IAF Helicopters (5) - Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion
- 2020. 06. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (6) - Bell AH-1F Cobra
- 2020. 07. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (7) - Bell 212
- 2020. 08. IAF Helicopters (8). Boeing AH-64D-I Apache Longbow
- 2020. 09. IAF Helicopters (9). Sikorsky S-70A-50 Black Hawk
- 2020. 10. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2021
- 2021. 01. Emergency, Search and Rescue Organizations in Israel
- 2021. 02. Magen David Adom - evacuating the injured
- 2021. 03. Magen David Adom - Testing for covid19
- 2021. 04. Israel Fire and Rescue Services - Fighting Fires in Fields and Woods
- 2021. 05. Israel Fire and Rescue Services - Fighting Fires in Urban Areas
- 2021. 06. Israel Police - Bomb Disposal Expert
- 2021. 07. Israel Police - Marine Rescue
- 2021. 08. IDF Home Front Command Search & Rescue Brigade
- 2021. 09. Israel Police Volunteer Rescue Teams
- 2021. 10. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2022
- 2022. 01. Animals in urban area (1) - Dove
- 2022. 02. Animals in urban area (2) - Ptyodactylus guttatus (Sinai Fan-fingered gecko)
- 2022. 03. Animals in urban area (3) - Upupa epops (Eurasian Hoopoe)
- 2022. 04. Animals in urban area (4) - Burhinus oedicnemus (Eurasian thick-knee)
- 2022. 05. Animals in urban area (5) - Microcarbo pygmaeus (Pygmy cormorant)
- 2022. 06. Animals in urban area (6) - Apus apus (Common swift)
- 2022. 07. Animals in urban area (7) - Hemiechinus auritus (Long-eared Hedgehog)
- 2022. 08. Animals in urban area (8) - Chamaeleo chamaeleon (Mediterranean Chameleon)
- 2022. 09. Animals in urban area (9) - Rousettus aegyptiacus (Egyptian fruit bat)
- 2022. 10. Seasonal Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2023
- 2023. 01. National parks in Israel (1)
- 2023. 02. Bet Guvrin National Park - National parks in Israel (2)
- 2023. 03. Masada National Park - National parks in Israel (3)
- 2023. 04. Israel 75 Years of Independence
- 2023. 05. Caesarea National Park - National parks in Israel (4)
- 2023. 06. Herodium National Park - National parks in Israel (5)
- 2023. 07. Seasonal Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2023. 08. Baram National Park - National parks in Israel (6)
- 2023. 09. Nimrod Fortress National Park - National parks in Israel (7)
- ATM issues 2024
- 2024. 2. Animals from the Bible (2) - Cattle
- 2024. 3. Animals from the Bible (3) - Sheep
- 2024. 4. The Olympic Games 2024 - Good Luck to Our Olympic Athletes
- 2024. 5. Animals from the Bible (4) - Horse (Caballo)
- 2024. 6. Animals from the Bible (5) - Leopard
- 2024. 7. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2024. 8. Animals from the Bible (6) - Goat
- 2024. 9. Animals from the Bible (7) - Lion
- 2024. 01. Animals from the Bible (1)
- Japan
- Kuwait
- Macau
- 1993. Main Post Office
- 1999. Bridge - Ponte 'Flor de Lotus' - INCM Imp. 99
- 2001. Bridge - Ponte 'Flor de Lótus' - REIMP 2000
- 2002. Poupança de energia (Energy saving) - JES Imp. 2002
- 2006. Poupança de energia (Energy saving) - JES REIMP 2006
- 2008. World Heritage JES Imp. 2008 - REIMP 2009 - REIMP 2013
- 2013. Lunar Year of the Snake (Ano Lunar da Cobra)
- 2014. Lunar Year of the Horse (Ano Lunar do Cavalo)
- 2015. Lunar Year of the Goat (Ano Lunar da Cabra)
- 2015. Old streets and alleys (Ruas e Ruelas antigas)
- 2016. Ano Lunar do Macaco (Lunar Year of the Monkey)
- 2016. Old streets (Ruas e Ruelas antigas) - JES REIMP 2016
- 2017. Ano Lunar do Galo (Lunar Year of the Rooster)
- 2018. 35 Exposição Internacional Asiática de Filatelia, Macau
- 2018. 35 Exposição Internacional Asiática de Filatelia, Macau
- 2018. 35 Exposição Internacional Asiática de Filatelia, Macau
- 2018. Ano Lunar do Cão (Lunar Year of the Dog)
- 2019. Ano Lunar do Porco (Lunar Year of the Pig)
- 2019. Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area
- 2020. Ano Lunar do Rato (Lunar Year of the Rat)
- 2020. Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area (Reprint REIMP 2020)
- 2021. Ano Lunar do Búfalo (Lunar Year of the Ox)
- 2022. Ano Lunar do Tigre (Lunar Year of the Tiger)
- 2023. Ano Lunar do Coelho (Lunar Year of the Rabbit)
- 2023. General Post Office - ePosting kiosks
- 2024. Ano Lunar do Dragão (Lunar Year of the Dragon)
- Variable value stamps and postage meters
- Malaysia
- Qatar
- Singapore
- 1988. Post emblem
- 1989. National symbol of Singapore - Lion Head
- 1990. Fullerton building
- 1991. Haw Par Villa
- 1992. Tricshaw
- 1994. Singapore skyline
- 1995. Orchids
- 1997. Sunny Singapore
- 2000. Healthy living
- 2003. Tourist attractions
- 2007. Garden City
- 2010. Destination Singapore
- 2013. City in a garden
- 2015. SG50 - Celebrating the Nation's Golden Jubilee
- 2017. General Post Office
- 2017. Singapore skyline
- 2018. iSAM definitive issue
- 2018. Postal Potpourri
- 2019. 100 Years of first Airmail
- 2019. Chinese New Year
- 2020. Year of the Rat
- 2021. Year of the Ox
- 2022. Year of the Tiger
- 2023. 165 Years - Making every delivery count since 1858
- 2023. Year of the Rabbit
- 2024. Otters
- 2024. Year of the Dragon
- 2025. Year of the Snake
- Variable rate stamps (1983-...)
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- 1995 Sun Yat-sen mausoleum
- 1996. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
- 2001. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
- 2004. Formosan Black Bear
- 2004. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX 2004
- 2005. Formosa Black Bear (2) - Back control number
- 2005. Formosan black bear (ATMs issued during ROCUPEX - Kaohsiung 2005)
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 International Stamp Exhibition
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - NAGLER issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503 issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - BLACK issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - BLUE issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - GREEN issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - RED issues
- 2005. TAIPEI 2005 - 18th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (Taisiantu - Cranes)
- 2006. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (2)
- 2006. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall - ROCUPEX 06 KINMEN
- 2006. TAIPEI 2005 (Taisiantu - Cranes) - Special SOGO 2006
- 2007. Formosa Black Bear (3) - INNOVISION
- 2007. Formosan black bear (2) - ROCUPEX 07 TAINAN
- 2007. Formosan black bear (2) - TAIPEI 2007
- 2008. Launch of the Cross-strait Mail Links
- 2008. Tung blossom - TAIPEI 2008
- 2009. Deaflympics Taipei 2009
- 2009. First Anniversary Cross-strait Direct Mail Services
- 2009. Tung blossoms (2)
- 2009. Tung blossoms (3)
- 2009. World Games 2009 Kaohsiung ROCUPEX
- 2010. Giant pandas (Tuan Tuan & Yuan Yuan - Taipei Zoo)
- 2010. Tung blossoms (4)
- 2011. Peonies, ancient Chinese painting
- 2011. ROCUPEX' 11 Taipei - Formosan sambar deer
- 2012 - 2021. ROCUPEX 12 - Fongshan Longshan Temple
- 2012. Auspicious dragon
- 2013. ROCUPEX 13 - Presidential Office Building
- 2013. Spiritual snake
- 2014. Gallant Horse (Year of the Horse)
- 2014. ROCUPEX' 14 Taichung - Plum blossom
- 2015. TAIPEI 2015 - Taiwan trout
- 2015. Year of the Sheep - Auspicious Sheep
- 2016. PHILATAIPEI 2016 World Stamp Exhibition - Blue magpie
- 2016. Year of the Monkey
- 2017. ROCUPEX 2017 Taichung - Sika deer
- 2017. The Year of the Rooster
- 2018. Formosan macaque - ROCUPEX 2018 Changhua
- 2018. Sika deer - Cross-strait Rare Stamps Exhibition
- 2018. The Year of the Dog
- 2019. 10th Anniversary of the Cross-strait Direct Mail Services
- 2019. Formosan serow - ROCUPEX 2019 Taipei
- 2019. The Year of the Pig (Rich Pig)
- 2020. The Year of the Rat (Money Rat)
- 2021. The Year of the Ox (Auspicious Ox)
- 2022. The Year of the Tiger (Lucky Tiger)
- 2023. Purple Crow Butterfly (TAIPEI 2023 39th Asian International Stamp Exhibition)
- 2023. The Chinese Zodiac
- 2023. The Year of the Rabbit (Bountiful Rabbit)
- 2024. Formosan macaque - ROCUPEX 2024 Taipei
- Variable value stamps / Postage labels
- Thailand
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- 07. EUROPE
- Åland
- 1984. Post emblem (1)
- 1988. Post emblem (2)
- 1989. Post emblem (3)
- 1990. Post emblem (4)
- 1993. Post emblem (5)
- 1995. Mare Balticum 1995
- 1996. Aland
- 1997. Mneme ship
- 1998. Walter Wilson figurehead
- 1999. Tarnan ship
- 2000. Sheep
- 2001. Cow
- 2002. Hen
- 2003. Berry
- 2004. Lingonberry
- 2005. Cloudberry
- 2006. Lilac
- 2007. Peonies
- 2008. Burnet rose
- 2009. Spar buoys (1)
- 2010. Spar buoys (2) - system A
- 2011. Spar buoys (3)
- 2012. Wooden duck decoys (1). Eider duck
- 2013. Wooden duck decoys (2). Long-tailed duck
- 2014. Wooden duck decoys (3). Velvet Scoter
- 2015. Beach finds (1) - Feather
- 2016. Beach finds (2) - Bottle
- 2017. Beach finds (3) - Old fishnet and cork floats
- 2018. Orchids
- 2019. Woodpeckers
- 2020. Wild flowers
- 2021. Songbirds
- 2022. A Century of willfulness
- 2023. Garden berries
- 2024. Metamorphosis (Pieris brassicae, Aglais urticae, Argynnis paphia, Callophrys rubi)
- Variable value stamps - Counter stamps
- Andorra (Principat d'Andorra - Correos - Correus Espanyols - Spanish Postal Administration)
- 1996. Green mountains with snow - Face value PTS
- 2001. Green mountains with snow - Face value EUR - €
- 2014. 'Single label' system
- 2021. Escultura contemporània de la CASS - Arcalís 91 (Contemporary sculpture)
- 2021. Museu Postal d'Andorra (Postal museum)
- 2023. Casa de la Vall & Festes populars. Falles del Solstici d'estiu
- 2023. Casa de la Vall & Festes populars. Falles del Solstici d'estiu - Special edition with graphics
- Other franking systems
- Andorra (Principat d'Andorra - Postes - La Poste - French Postal Administration)
- M.O.G. Brother (2021). Definitive issue White paper - LA POSTE FRANCE - ANDORRA LA VELLA 09-026
- M.O.G. Olivetti (2020). Definitive issue - Paper airplanes (dark paper) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- M.O.G. Olivetti (2021). Definitive issue - Paper airplanes (light paper) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (1988). Definitive issue - Comet
- MOG (1990). Definitive issue - Birds - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (2005). Definitive issue - Paper planes (I) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (2005). Definitive issue - Paper planes (II) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (2005). Definitive issue - Paper planes (III) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- SFS Frama (1984)
- Austria
- 1983-2001. Frama issues
- 2005. MozartPHILA
- 2006-2008. Winter landscape and children playing (Winter 1)
- 2006-2010. Tulips and Liverwort (Flowers 1)
- 2007. ProPostal definitive issue
- 2008. UEFA EURO 2008
- 2008. WIPA 08 (Wiener Internationale Postwertzeichen-Ausstellung)
- 2009. Snow crystals and Christmas market (Winter 2)
- 2010. Marguerite and water lily (Flowers 2)
- 2010. Winter landscape and angel (Winter 3)
- 2011. Gentiana and sunflower (Flowers 3)
- 2011. Winter landscape and gifts (Winter 4)
- 2012. Land of mountains (Land der Berge)
- 2012. Orchids and primroses (Flowers 4)
- 2012. Winter landscape and firs (Winter 5)
- 2013. Wild rose and bouquet (Flowers 5)
- 2013. Winter landscape and christmas decorations (Winter 6)
- 2014. Garden cosmos & flax flowers (Flowers - Summer 6)
- 2014. Winter landscape and village under snow (Winter 7)
- 2015. Daisy and crocus (Flowers - Summer 7)
- 2015. EUROVISION Song Contest Vienna 2015 - Building bridges
- 2015. Tables with gifts and Christmas cakes (Winter 8)
- 2016. Chapel and Christmas decoration (Winter 9)
- 2016. Fussball-EM 2016 (UEFA Euro 2016)
- 2016. Lilium and gentiana (Flowers - Summer 8)
- 2017. Bird's-eye primrose and fir (Flowers - Summer 9)
- 2017. Church & mistletoe (Winter 2017)
- 2018. Devil's-bit & Flowering rush (Flowers - Summer 10)
- 2018. Winter landscape & Nativity scene (Winter 2018)
- 2019. Dandelion & Forget-me-not (Flowers - Summer 2019)
- 2019. Mittelberg in winter & mistletoe (Winter 2019)
- 2020. Christmas cookies & sleigh ride (Winter 2020)
- 2020. Reservoirs - Speicher Kölnbrein & Schlegeis Stausee
- 2020. Water lily & tree blossoms (Flowers - Summer 2020)
- 2021. Erica & erodium (Flowers - Summer 2021)
- 2021. Sleigh & Christmas wreath (Christmas - Winter 2021)
- 2022. Snowy mountains & Ice skating (Christmas - Winter 2022)
- 2022. Sunflower & Rowan-berry (Flowers - Summer 2022)
- 2023. Snapdragon & Daffodil (Flowers - Summer 2023)
- 2023. Winter hut & snow landscape (Christmas - Winter 2023)
- 2024. Christmas tree bauble & winter landscape (Christmas - Winter 2024)
- 2024. Hiking & Thistles (Flowers - Summer 2024)
- 2025. Eyebright & Alpine lady's-mantle (Flowers - Summer 2025)
- Belgique - Belgium
- 1981-1984. FRAMA issues
- 1985-1989. FRAMA issues
- 1990-1994. FRAMA issues
- 1995-1999. FRAMA issues
- 2000-2002. FRAMA issues
- 2002. Definitive issue AMIEL
- 2004. PHILEURO 2004 Brussel Heizel - Bruxelles Heysel
- 2005. Brussel 1 - De Brouckere
- 2006. BELGICA'06 - Heysel 16-20/11/2006 Heizel
- 2007. EURO-PHILA 2007 - Maasmechelen
- 2007. New franking 29-09-2007 - Bruxelles Brussel (Fruits)
- 2007. Premio Massari - 9230 Wetteren - Edvard Grieg 1843-1907
- 2008. LUXPHILA 2008 Marche-en-Famenne (Luxembourg coat of arms)
- 2008. LUXPHILA 2008 Marche-en-Famenne (Smurfs)
- 2009. ANTVERPIA 2010
- 2009. Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers - Menen
- 2009. Vehicules postaux à travers le temps - Gent (Postal vehicles 1)
- 2010. ANTVERPIA 2010 (2)
- 2010. Birdpex Antwerp Expo - Bruxelles 1000 Brussel (Barn owl)
- 2010. La magie de / De magie van FOLON - La Hulpe
- 2010. Vehicules postaux à travers le temps - Saint-Mard (Postal vehicles 2)
- 2011. Balbuzard pecheur (Osprey) - Visarend - A. Buzin - 4031 Angleur
- 2011. De foor - La foire - Peer
- 2011. Europalia Brasil - Andenne
- 2011. Feest van de Postzegel - Fête du Timbre - Antwerpen (Postbox)
- 2011. Fishes (Poisson-clown à collier + Poisson-papillon jaune)
- 2011. Toulouse-Lautrec à Ixelles - in Elsene - 6000 Charleroi
- 2012. De Markt van Brugge - La Grand-Place de Bruges
- 2012. Franco Dragone - Louvière
- 2012. Le naufrage du Titanic - Hannut (Sinking of the Titanic)
- 2012. Maya calendar - Tongeren
- 2012. Zenobe Gramme - Temse
- Cyprus
- 1989. Ancient ships
- 1999. Cyprus mufflon (1)
- 1999. Cyprus mufflon (2)
- 1999. Cyprus mufflon (3)
- 2002. Wild flowers of Cyprus
- 2003. Post emblem (£)
- 2005. Spring (Apricot flower & poppy) (£)
- 2008. Post emblem (EUR)
- 2008. Spring (Apricot flower & poppy) (EUR)
- 2010. Cyprus moufflon (2010)
- Other frankings - Variable value stamps
- Czech Republic
- Denmark / Danemark
- 1990. Post emblem
- 1995. Post emblem (2)
- 1998. Post emblem (3)
- 1999. Bicycles
- 2000. Post motives (Letter, pen, letter box)
- 2001. Communication (Computer, laptop, mobile phone)
- 2002. Postal transport (Bicycle, van, truck)
- 2003. Letter (Mail by air, road and sea)
- 2004. Denmark images (1)
- 2005. Denmark Images (2) - Evening landscapes
- 2006. Denmark images (3) - cows, lighthouse & wind mills
- 2006. Denmark images (4)
- 2007. Denmark bridges (1)
- 2007. Denmark images (5) - Stone tombs
- 2008. Denmark bridges (2)
- 2008. Frimærkeforum 08 i Fredericia (Stamp Forum Fredericia)
- 2009. Danish Hydroelectricity - Watermills
- 2009. Frimærkeforum 09 i Roskilde (Cathedral)
- 2010. Danish landscapes
- 2010. Frimærkeforum 10 i Roskilde - Viking ship
- 2010. National Frimærkeudstilling i Hillerød 2010 - TAK'10
- 2011. Danish birds (1) - Ducks
- 2011. Michael Kvium / Horsens HOFI 2011
- 2012. Danish birds (2)
- 2012. NORDIA 2012 - Roskilde
- 2012. Roskilde Domkirke i aftenlys (Roskilde cathedral evening)
- 2013. NORDIA 2013 - Iceland (Northern lights, waterfall, horse)
- 2014. NORDIA 2014 - Norway (Preikestolen, Geiranger, Reindeers
- 2014. SYDFRIMEX 2014 - Mail boats (Vesta, Røret, IDA)
- 2015. CICE 2015 - China International Collection Expo
- 2015. Danish dog breeds
- 2015. NORDIA 2015 - Sweden (Kebnekaise, City Hall, cow elk)
- 2015. SILFI 2015 - Pleasure boats (Hjejlen - Hejren - Rylen)
- 2016. HALLFRIM 2016 - Halmstad (Castle, salmon, Tylösand)
- 2016. NANNING 2016 - Martin Mörck (Wuling, Shaolin, Jiayuguan)
- 2016. NORDIA 2016 - Finland (Sauna, Brown bear, Santa Claus)
- 2016. TAK16 - Birkerød (Postmen, church, Jægerhytten)
- 2017. CICE 2017 Nanjing
- 2017. FINLANDIA 2017 (flag, northern lights, Tampere)
- 2017. NORDIA 2017 - Vejle (Fjord bridge, umbrellas, Bølgen)
- Related to ATMs
- Estonia
- Faroe Islands
- 2008. Post
- 2009. Faroese Riddles
- 2010. Boat racing
- 2011. Old Faroese rhymes
- 2012. Føroyar Mítt Land (Faroe Islands, my country)
- 2013. Peter Troll (Trøllapætur)
- 2014. Faroese Stamps for 40 years
- 2015. Provisional stamps 1940-1941
- 2016. Faroese music festivals
- 2017. The Faroe Islands in Colours (1)
- 2017. The Faroe Islands in Colours (2) - NORDIA 2017 (IAR)
- 2018. Dogs - MACAU 2018
- 2018. Lighthouses of the Faroe Islands
- 2019. Coastal fishing
- 2019. Pigfarming in the Faroe Islands - Wuhan 2019
- 2020. Hay harvesting
- 2021. Storytellers
- 2022. Public transport (bus, passenger ferry 'Erla Kongsdóttir' & helicopter)
- 2023. Villages in Suðuroy (Froðba, Hov, Trongisvágur, Tvøroyri)
- 2024. Coastal fishing vessels
- Sets - Collections
- Finland
- 1982. Definitive issue (1)
- 1986. FINLANDIA 88
- 1988. Definitive issue (2)
- 1988. FINLANDIA 88 (2)
- 1989. Definitive issue (3)
- 1990. Definitive issue (4)
- 1990. Definitive issue (4) - nr.
- 1991. Dassault-Inter Marketing
- 1991. NORDJUNEX 91
- 1992. Dassault-Inter Marketing
- 1992. NORDIA 1993
- 1993. Definitive issue (5)
- 1993. Finlandia 95
- 1993. NORDIA 1993
- 1993. PK - PF
- 1994. Definitive issue (6)
- 1994. Eur. Champions. Athletics
- 1994. Finlandia 95
- 1994. Otter (Lutra lutra)
- 1994. PK - PF (2)
- 1995. Postimerkkikeskus
- 1995. Postimuseo - Post museum (1)
- 1995. Postimuseo - Post museum (2)
- 1995. Santa Claus Main Post Office
- 1995. Wolverine
- 1997. Flying squirrel
- 1997. Santa Claus main P.O. (1)
- 1999. Electric post auto
- 1999. Lesser Whitefront
- 1999. Posti museo - Postmuseum - Post vehicle 1911
- 1999. Santa Claus main P.O. (2)
- 2000. Reindeer
- 2002. Fire Fox
- 2002. Wolf
- 2003. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus)
- Other frankings - Variable value stamps
- France
- 1. Other frankings - MOG
- 1969. Issues MONTGERON
- 2021 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2021. 1. 69e Assemblée générale de PHILAPOSTEL La Tremblade Ronce-les-Bains 2021
- 2021. 0. Definitive issues - La Poste post offices & postal outlets
- 2021. 10. Carré d'Imprimerie de La Poste
- 2021. 2. 94e Congrès Fédération Française Associations Philatéliques - Valenciennes 2021
- 2021. 3. Exposition Internationale d'Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLV - Néris-les-Bains 2021
- 2021. 4. Salon de toutes les collections - Mulhouse 2021 (Napoleon)
- 2021. 5. 75 ans du Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2021 (Marianne de Béquet)
- 2021. 6. 75e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2021 (Marianne de Béquet)
- 2021. 7. 75 ans du Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris (Terres Australes Antarctiques Françaises)
- 2021. 8. é-max - Exposition philatélique - Ouistreham 2021
- 2021. 9. Musée de La Poste - Lettres de femmes (Women's letters)
- 2022 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2022. 0. Definitive issue 'Paper planes' - Self-service kiosk NAT
- 2022. 1. 70e Assemblée générale de PHILAPOSTEL Trégunc 2022
- 2022. 10. Jouez, Postez! - Musée de La Poste
- 2022. 2. PARIS PHILEX 2022 (100 ans du coin daté et de la Semeuse camée)
- 2022. 3. 95e Congrès F.F.A.P. Paris 2022 - Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris
- 2022. 4. Definitive issue LA POSTE
- 2022. 5. Exposition MARCOPHILEX XLVI - La Chapelle Royale de Versailles restaurée
- 2022. 6. Salon de Toutes les Collections - Mulhouse 2022
- 2022. 7. é-max Exposition philatélique - Moulins 2022 (Bridges)
- 2022. 8. 75e Salon Philatélique d’automne - Paris 2022 (Liberté de Gandon)
- 2022. 9. 75e Salon Philatélique d’Automne - Paris 2022 - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
- 2023 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2023. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Paris 2023 - Les catacombes de Paris
- 2023. 2. 71e Assemblée générale de PHILAPOSTEL Cap d'Agde 2023
- 2023. 4. Exposition Internationale Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLVII Épernay - Albert Deullin
- 2023. 5. Musée de La Poste - Nouvelles du Paradis. La carte postale de vacances
- 2023. 6. 76e Salon Philatélique d'Automne Paris - Liberté Égalité Fraternité (Marianne de l'Avenir)
- 2023. 7. 76e Salon Philatélique d'Automne Paris 2023 - Polynésie Française
- 2023. 0. Definitive issue LA POSTE
- 2023. 3. 96e congrès Fédération Française Associations Philatéliques Chalon-sur-Saône - 35e Montgolfiades
- 2024 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2024. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Salon-de-Provence 2024
- 2024. 2. 72e Assemblée Générale de PHILAPOSTEL - Longeville-sur-Mer
- 2024. 3. PARIS-PHILEX 2024 (Havas type A, 1924 - Timbres Pasteur)
- 2024. 4. PARIS-PHILEX 2024 République d'Arménie (Yerevan Opera Theatre)
- 2024. 5. PARIS-PHILEX 2024 97è Congrès F.F.A.P. (Olympic sports)
- 2024. 6. MUSÉE DE LA POSTE - Marathon, la course du Messager - Exposition 2024
- 2024. 7. Exposition Internationale Histoire Postale - MARCOPHILEX XLVIII Périgueux 2024
- 2024. 8. Timbres Passion Châlons-en-Champagne 2024 (Circus, chess)
- 2024. 9. 77e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2024 (Marianne et l'Europe)
- 2024. 10. 77e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2024 - Wallis-et-Futuna
- 2024. 11. 1944-2024 80e anniversaire de la libération - La Poste de Yutz
- ATMs 1981-1999
- ATMs 2000
- ATMs 2001
- ATMs 2002
- 2002. 3ème Biennale Philatélique de Paris
- 2002. Definitive issue Birds (EUR)
- 2002. Féd. Française Ass. Philatéliques - 75 Congrès - Marseille
- 2002. Paper planes - IER LISA
- 2002. Paper planes - Monétel
- 2002. Paris - Rome. 56ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne
- 2002. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Nîmes - 2002
- ATMs 2003
- ATMs 2004
- 2004. 58 Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris-Athenes (Athens)
- 2004. 77e Congres Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - Paris
- 2004. Le Salon du timbre 2004 - Paris
- 2004. Paper planes 2 - IER LISA
- 2004. Paper planes 2 - Monétel
- 2004. Salon Philatélique Angers - 2004
- 2004. Salon Philatélique Printemps Clermont-Ferrand
- ATMs 2005
- ATMs 2006
- 2006. Bilatérale France - Allemagne - Nevers 2006
- 2006. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - 79 Congrès - Paris
- 2006. Le Salon du timbre & de l'écrit 2006 - Fruits
- 2006. Le Salon du timbre & de l'écrit 2006 - Mozart
- 2006. Paris - Vienne. 60 Salon Philatélique Automne
- 2006. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Dijon 2006
- ATMs 2007
- 2007. 61e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2007
- 2007. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatél. - 80 Congres - Poitiers
- 2007. Fête du timbre - Harry Potter
- 2007. Mâcon 2007 - Championnat Philatélique Interrégional
- 2007. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Limoges 2007
- 2007. Timbres Passion 2007 - Dole (Louis Pasteur)
- ATMs 2008
- 2008. 62e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2008
- 2008. Bicentenaire de Guignol - Lyon
- 2008. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - 81 Congres - París
- 2008. Le Salon du Timbre et de l'écrit - Paris 2008 (Circus)
- 2008. Le Salon du Timbre et de l'écrit - Paris 2008 (Landmarks)
- 2008. Paper planes 2 - IER LISA
- ATMs 2009
- 2009. 63 Salon Philatélique Automne - Henry Dunant - Red Cross
- 2009. 63 Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Portugal
- 2009. 82 Congrès Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - Tarbes
- 2009. Eugène Vaillé fondateur du Musée Postal - Poitiers
- 2009. Exposition Philatélique Interrégionale - Raedersheim 2009
- 2009. L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste
- 2009. Paris Tour Eiffel
- 2009. René 1er Anjou 1409-1480
- 2009. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Mâcon 2009
- ATMs 2010
- 2010. 2e Salon Club Philatélique Elysée - Eugène Delacroix
- 2010. 64e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2010 - Russia
- 2010. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - 83 Congrès - Paris
- 2010. Jeunesse Collections Passion - Villeneuve-sur-Lot
- 2010. Joyaux philatéliques Afrique, Île Maurice et Réunion
- 2010. L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste - Breguet XIV
- 2010. Le Salon du Timbre - Paris 2010 - Moulin (Watermill)
- 2010. Le Salon du Timbre Paris (Tour Eiffel, Pont Alexandre III)
- 2010. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Colmar 2010
- 2010. Un siècle de marins du ciel - 1910-2010
- ATMs 2011
- 2011. 59e Assemblée Générale de Philapostel - Trégunc 2011
- 2011. 65 Salon Philatélique Automne - Stamps
- 2011. 65e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2011 - London
- 2011. 66 Congres Groupement Philatélique Centre-Ouest - Cognac
- 2011. 84 Congres FFAP - 100 ans hôtel des Postes - Metz
- 2011. Championat Philat. Interrégional - Montlouis-sur-Loire
- 2011. Facteur rural - L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2011. Journées Européennes du Patrimoine - Aix-en-Provence 2011
- 2011. La Lettre Verte
- 2011. Nils-Udo NATURE - L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2011. Paper planes - IER NABUCCO
- 2011. Paper planes - WINCOR NIXDORF
- 2011. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Angers 2011
- ATMs 2012
- 2012. 30 Congres GAPHIL - Presse à bras XIX siècle
- 2012. 60 Assemblée Générale Philapostel - Arêches 2012
- 2012. 66e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris (Sant Esteve Andorra - Sacré-Coeur Paris)
- 2012. 66e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris (Stamps Andorra - Sant Joan de Caselles)
- 2012. 85 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Musée d'Orsay
- 2012. Fête internationale de la mer et et des marins - Brest
- 2012. Fourgon électrique Mildé - L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2012. Gleizes-Metzinger. L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2012. L'Hermione la coque est à flot - Rochefort 2012
- 2012. Le Salon du Timbre - Paris 2012 (French rulers)
- 2012. Marcophilex XXXVI Epernay
- 2012. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Épernay 2012
- 2012. Salon Timbre - Amitié franco-américaine
- 2012. Timbres Passion 2012 - Belfort
- ATMs 2013
- 61 Assemblée Générale de Philapostel - Bussang 2013
- 67e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2013 - Denmark
- 67e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2013 - Marianne
- Amiens 2013 86 Congrès Fédération française assoc. philatéliques
- Chaissac - Dubufet, entre plume et pinceau - L'Adresse
- Championnat Philatélique Interrégional - Rezé 2013
- L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste, 40 ans au boulevard Vaugirard Paris
- Le Cornouaille - Quimper 2013
- MARCOPHILEX XXXVII - Ouistreham 2013
- Museum de Bourges 2013 - Planète chauve-souris
- Salon Philatélique de printemps - Mâcon 2013
- ATMs 2014
- 2014. 1. Clermont-Ferrand - Salon philatélique printemps 2014
- 2014. 2. Timbres Passion - Poitiers 2014
- 2014. 3. 62e Assemblée Générale PHILAPOSTEL - MUROL 2014
- 2014. 4. L'art fait ventre - L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste
- 2014. 68e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - 3 ans Lettre Verte
- 2014. 68e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2014 - Slovakia
- 2014. 87 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Institut France
- 2014. Ex-Voto - Faites vos voeux ! - L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste
- 2014. MARCOPHILEX XXXVIII Uzès 2014 - Le Pont du Gard
- 2014. Salon Planète Timbres Paris 2014 (1st World War)
- 2014. Salon Planète Timbres Paris 2014 (Château Vincennes, Zoo)
- ATMs 2015
- 2015. 1. Salon Philatélique Printemps - 1515 Bataille Marignan
- 2015. 2. L'ADRESSE Musée de la Poste - Old postboxes (1)
- 2015. 5. L'ADRESSE Musée de la Poste - Old letter boxes (2)
- 2015. 6. MARCOPHILEX XXXIX - Auvers-sur-Oise
- 2015. 7. 69e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2015 - Canada
- 2015. 8. 69e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - 1945 La Libération
- 2015. 3. 88 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Mâcon 2015
- 2015. 4. 63e Assemblée G. Philapostel - La Londe-les-Maures 2015
- 2015. Definitive issue NABANCO (White paper)
- ATMs 2016
- 2016. 1. Paper planes - NABANCO imprint
- 2016. 2. Déclenchement de la bataille de Verdun 21 fevrier 1916
- 2016. 3. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Belfort 2016
- 2016. 4. Paris-Philex 2016
- 2016. 5. 89e Congrès Féd. Fr. As. Philatéliques - Place Vosges
- 2016. 6. Museum de Bourges 2016 - Les abeilles
- 2016. 7. 64e Assemblée Générale Philapostel - St-Denis-d'Oléron
- 2016. 8. Musée de La Poste - 2016 - 70e Anniversaire
- 2016. 9. Wincor Nixdorf NABUCCO - New imprint
- 2016. 10. Fêtes Maritimes Internationales - Brest 2016
- 2016. 11. Paper planes (reprinting)
- 2016. 12. MARCOPHILEX XL Jurançon 2016
- 2016. 13. TIMBRES PASSION - TOUL 2016
- 2016. 14. 1916-2016 Centenaire Bataille Verdun Reprise des Forts
- 2016. 15. 70e Salon Philatélique Automne Paris 2016. Netherlands
- 2016. 16. 70e Salon Philatélique Automne - Paris 2016. Sage
- ATMs 2017
- 2017. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Paris - Montmartre
- 2017. 2. 90 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Cholet 2017
- 2017. 3. Société Nationale Sauvetage en Mer - 50e anniversaire
- 2017. 4. 65e Assemblée PHILAPOSTEL - Longeville-sur-Mer 2017
- 2017. 5. Centenaire de l'entrée en Guerre des États-Unis
- 2017. 6. Exposition Philatélique Int. Croix-Rouge - Saint-Louis
- 2017. 7. Definitive issue, white paper - Postal counters
- 2017. 8. Exposition Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLI Issoire
- 2017. 9. L'ADRESSE Musée de la Poste - Post boxes (3)
- 2017. 10. 71e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2017. Berlin
- 2017. 11. 71e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2017. Sabine
- ATMs 2018
- 2018. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Sorgues 2018
- 2018. 2. 66e Assemblée Générale Philapostel - Lacanau 2018
- 2018. 3. 90e Anniversaire de l'Académie de Philatélie
- 2018. 4. 91e Congrès Féd. Française Associations Philatéliques
- 2018. 5. Paris Philex 2018
- 2018. 6. Mémoire Transfrontalière Verdun - Bastogne 2018
- 2018. 7. Exposition philatélique é-max Valenciennes 2018
- 2018. 8. Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, Saint-Malo
- 2018. 9. Timbres Passion - Périgueux 2018
- 2018. 10. Saint Désiré, Patron vaguemestres - Musée de La Poste
- 2018. 11. 72e Salon Philatélique Automne - Paris 2018 (Marianne)
- 2018. 12. 72e Salon Philatélique Automne - Paris 2018 (Croatia)
- 2018. 13. Expo. Int. Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLII Vertou
- 2018. 20. Definitive issue, white paper (1) - CALISE kiosk
- 2018. 21. Definitive issue, white paper (2) - CALISE kiosk
- 2018. 22. Definitive issue Paper planes - IER LISA 2 kiosk
- 2018. 23. Definitive issue Paper planes - IER NABUCCO kiosk
- 2018. 24. Definitive issue Paper planes - Wincor Nixdorf NABUCCO
- ATMs 2019
- 2019. 1. 56 Salon International de l'Agriculture - Paris 2019
- 2019. 2. Salon Philatélique Printemps - Fontaine Saint-Michel
- 2019. 3. 67e Assemblée Générale de PHILAPOSTEL - Bussang
- 2019. 4. 92 Congrès Féd. Fr. Ass. Philatéliques - Montpellier
- 2019. 5. Exposition MARCOPHILEX XLIII Montrond-les-Bains
- 2019. 6. Salon de toutes les collections Mulhouse (Concorde)
- 2019. 7. 73e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Cérès
- 2019. 8. 73e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Jersey
- 2019. 9. Musée de La Poste - Facteur à Bicyclette, vers 1950
- 2019. X. Definitive issue - Paper planes
- 2019. 10. é-max Exposition philatélique Vélizy-Villacoublay 2019
- ATMs 2020
- 2020. 1. 57 Salon International de l'Agriculture - Paris 2020
- 2020. 2. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Dole 2020
- 2020. 3. Exposition MARCOPHILEX XLIV Monéteau 2020
- 2020. 4. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
- 2020. 5. Imprimerie de La Poste - 50 Ans Gravés dans l'Histoire
- 2020. 6. 93 Congrès Féd. Fr. Ass. Philatéliques -Palais Galliera
- Issues FRAMA - Variable value stamps
- Germany - Berlin
- Germany / Deutschland
- 1981. Post emblem (1)
- 1993. Schloss Sanssouci
- 1999. Post emblem (2)
- 2002. Letter box
- 2008. Brandenburger Tor (Brandenburg Gate) + Post Tower, Bonn
- 2017. Sending and receiving letters
- 2019. Sending letters (Automatenmarken ATM Briefe schreiben) - New experimental kiosk
- 2021. DHL Post stations
- 2022. DHL Post stations
- Gibraltar
- 2015 - 2016. Christmas 2015 (Christmas tree and deer - reindeer)
- 2015 - 2016. Post & Go - Flag of Gibraltar
- 2016 - 2017. Post & Go - Gibraltar monkeys
- 2016. Post & Go - The Year of the Monkey
- 2017. Freemasonry in Gibraltar
- 2017. Post & Go - The Year of the Rooster
- 2017. SWISS POST - Tourist mail
- 2018. CCPA (Conference of Commonwealth Postal Administrations)
- 2018. Post & Go - The Year of the Dog
- 2019. 50th Anniversary of the APOLLO 11 Moon landing
- 2019. Post & Go - The Year of the Pig
- 2020. Post & Go - Christmas tree (Christmas 2020)
- 2020. Post & Go - Flag of Gibraltar (VE Day 75th)
- 2020. Post & Go - The Year of the Rat
- 2021. EUROPA Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
- 2021. Post & Go - The Year of the Ox
- 2022. Post & Go - EUROPA 2022 'Stories & Myths' - The Pillars of Hercules
- 2022. Post & Go - The Year of the Tiger
- 2023. Post & Go - EUROPA 2023 Peace
- 2023. Post & Go - The Year of the Rabbit
- 2024. Post & Go - EUROPA Underwater Fauna & Flora - Orca
- 2024. Post & Go - The Year of the Dragon
- Greece
- Greenland - Grønland
- 2009. Post
- 2011. Greenlandic fauna
- 2014. Greenlandic scenery
- 2016. Greenlandic scenery (2)
- 2017. Greenlandic scenery (3)
- 2018. Greenlandic scenery (4)
- 2019. Polar bears
- 2020. Greenlandic sled dog puppies
- 2021. Greenlandic seals
- 2022. Greenlandic walruses
- 2023. White-tailed Eagles in Greenland
- 2024. Arctic foxes
- Sets - Collections
- Guernsey
- 2015 - 2023. Post & Go - Guernsey flag
- 2016. Post & Go - Bailiwick life - Guernsey animals
- 2017. Post & Go - Guernsey Bailiwick lighthouses
- 2018. Post & Go - Guernsey Bailiwick flowers
- 2019. Post & Go - 50th Anniversary of the Guernsey Old Car Club
- 2020. Post & Go - Bailiwick Fishing Boats
- 2021. Post & Go - Bailiwick Planes
- 2022. Post & Go - Bailiwick cuisine
- 2023. Post & Go - Visiting Cruise Ships
- 2024. Post & Go. Guernsey Coat of Arms
- Variable value stamps - EPOs
- Iceland - Island
- Ireland
- 1990. Amiel issue
- 1990. Frama issue (1)
- 1990. Klüssendorf issue
- 1992. Frama issue (2)
- 2008. Inland waterways
- 2010. Christmas
- 2010. Irish animals and marine life (1)
- 2010. Wild flowers of Ireland
- 2011. Christmas
- 2011. Irish animals and marine life (2)
- 2012. Christmas
- 2012. Irish animals and marine life (3)
- 2013. Christmas
- 2013. Irish animals and marine life (4)
- 2014. Christmas
- 2014. Irish animals and marine life (5)
- 2015. Christmas
- 2016. 1916 - 2016, centenary of the Easter Rising
- 2016. Christmas
- 2017. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (1)
- 2017. Christmas
- 2018. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (2)
- 2018. Irish life and culture
- 2019. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (3.1)
- 2019. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (3.2)
- 2020. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (4)
- 2022. 100 Years of Art on a Stamp
- 2023. 100 Years of Art on a Stamp - 2nd series / Phase II
- 2023. Special 'STAMPA 2023'
- 2024. Special 'STAMPA 2024'
- Variable value stamps
- Isle of Man
- 2010 - 2017. Logotype (postal counter)
- 2010 - 2017. Logotype (postal kiosk)
- 2017. Triskelion - Three Legs of Man
- 2018. 125th Anniversary Manx Electric Railway
- 2018. A Beano Christmas 2018
- 2019. Christmas cards
- 2019. Isle of Man Wildlife
- 2020. Carry Us Through (Coronavirus - COVID-19)
- 2020. The Story of the Nativity
- 2021. Thomas & friends at Christmas
- 2022. H M Queen Elizabeth II - 70th Anniversary of the Accession to the Throne
- 2022. Manx winter
- 2023. Manx Winter Wildlife
- 2024. Maurice Gibb
- 2024. Nollick Ghennal - Victorian Christmas - Father Christmas (Santa Claus)
- Jersey
- 2009. Definitive issue (1)
- 2010. Definitive issue (2)
- 2013. Jersey Post logo
- 2014 - 2023. Post&Go - Jersey flag
- 2014. Jersey post logo (2)
- 2015. Jersey Post logo - POSTAGE PAID
- 2015. Protected species
- 2016-2022. Post & Go - The Crest of Jersey - The coat of arms
- 2016. Post & Go - Beetles
- 2017. Post & Go - Fruits and berries
- 2017. Post & Go - Shells
- 2018. Post & Go - Nautical Knots
- 2018. Post & Go - Visiting Naval Vessels
- 2019. Post & Go - Durrell: Saving Primates
- 2020. Post & Go - Jersey Coastal Flowers
- 2021. Post & Go - Coastal Towers
- 2022. Post & Go - Harvest of the sea
- 2023. Post & Go - Jersey Farm Animals
- 2023. The Crest of Jersey (2 - Royal cypher King Charles III)
- 2024. Jersey flag (2 - King Charles III royal cypher) - Post&Go
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- 1983. Definitive issue Frama (1)
- 1992. Definitive issue (2 - POSTES 14.50 mm.)
- 1992. Definitive issue (3 - POSTES 18 mm.)
- 1997. Wind rose
- 1998. JUVALUX 98
- 2012. Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
- 2014. Coat of arms of Luxembourg
- 2018. X - Luxembourg's Signature
- 2021. Vieux Luxembourg (Old Luxembourg)
- 2024. Fielser schlass (Château de Larochette)
- Variable rate stamps
- Malta
- Monaco
- Netherlands
- 1989. Klüssendorf issue
- 1996. Frama - Nagler - Hytech
- 2006. TNT Post - Wincor PK
- 2006. TNT Post - Wincor TNT
- 2008. TNT Post - aCon TNT
- 2008. TNT Post - Gunnebo WL
- 2017. Butterflies (Plebejus argus) + Tulips (Tulipa Jannekes O.)
- 2017. NL00
- 2017. NL01 Eindejaarsbeurs 2017
- 2017. NL01 Essen 2017
- 2017. NL01 Hilversum 2017
- 2017. NL01 Multilaterale 2017
- 2017. NL01 Postex 2017
- 2017. NL02 + NL02 Bussum
- 2017. NL02 Den Haag THS
- 2017. NL03 + NL03 Den Haag
- 2018. NL01 Hilversum 2018
- 2018. NL01 Postaumaat 45 jaar
- 2018. NL01 Postex 2018
- 2019. NL01 + NL02 + NL03 Hilversum 2019 Laatste editie
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (Euro, the currency of Europe)
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) Crouzet BLACK
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) - Amiel BLACK
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) - Amiel BLUE
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) - SMD BLUE
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) NewVision BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (European Football Championship)
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Amiel BLACK
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Amiel BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Crouzet BLACK
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Crouzet BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - NewVision BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - SMD BLUE
- 2004. 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - AMIEL BLACK
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - AMIEL BLUE
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - CROUZET BLACK
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - CROUZET BLUE
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - NEWVISION BLUE
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - SMD BLUE
- 2004. Kinas (Mascot of the 2004 UEFA European Championship)
- 2005. Animais Domésticos (Pets - Cavy, dog, cat, grey parrot)
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - AMIEL BLACK - Cavy & dog
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - AMIEL BLUE - Cavy & dog
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - Crouzet BLACK - Cat & Grey parrot
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - Crouzet BLUE - Cat & Grey parrot
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - NewVision BLUE - Cavy & dog
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - SMD BLUE - Cavy & dog
- 2005. Perca peso, ganhe Coraçao - Fund. Portuguesa Cardiologia
- 2006. Alternative energies (Solar energy and wind power)
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA (HIV / AIDS)
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - Amiel BLUE
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - Crouzet BLACK
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - Crouzet BLUE
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - NewVision BLUE
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - SMD BLUE
- 2007. Crianças em risco (Children at risk)
- 2007. European Year of Equal Opportunities for All
- 2007 European Year Equal Opportunities for All - CROUZET BLACK
- 2007 European Year Equal Opportunities for All - NEWVISION BLACK
- 2007 European Year Equal Opportunities for All - NEWVISION BLUE
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - AMIEL BLUE
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - CROUZET BLUE
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - SMD BLACK
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - SMD BLUE
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português Sangue, IP (Blood Institute)
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Amiel BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Amiel BLUE
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Crouzet BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Crouzet BLUE
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - SMD BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português Sangue, IP - NewVision BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português Sangue, IP - NewVision BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional do Voluntariado nos Bombeiros
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Amiel BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Amiel BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Crouzet BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Crouzet BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - NewVision BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - NewVision BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - SMD BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - SMD BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food)
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Amiel BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Amiel BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Crouzet BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Crouzet BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - NewVision BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - NewVision BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - SMD BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - SMD BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling)
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Amiel BLACK
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Amiel BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Crouzet BLACK
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Crouzet BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - NewVision BLACK
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - NewVision BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - SMD BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - Amiel BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - Amiel BLUE
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - Crouzet BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - NewVision BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - SMD BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - SMD BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Amiel BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Amiel BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Crouzet BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Crouzet BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - NewVision BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - NewVision BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - SMD BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - SMD BLUE
- 2011. 112 European Emergency Number
- 2011. Ano Europeu do Voluntariado (European Year Volunteering)
- 2011. Estação do futuro - Postal kiosks
- 2012. International Year Cooperatives
- 2012. International Year of Sustainable Energy for All
- 2013. Ano Europeu dos Cidadãos (European Year of Citizens)
- 2013. Cruz Vermelha, 150 anos de ação humanitária (Red Cross)
- 2014. 35 Aniversário Serviço Nacional Saúde (Health Service)
- 2014. Eleições europeias 2014 (European elections 2014)
- 2015. Dinosaurs (Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Torvosaurus)
- 2015. Programa Nacional de Vacinação - 50 Anos (Vaccination)
- 2016. Ano Internacional do Entendimento Global (Understanding)
- 2016. Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (Portuguese Cancer League)
- 2017. Ano Internacional Turismo sustentável (Sustainable tourism
- 2017. Borboletas de Portugal (Moths of Portugal)
- 2018. Borboletas de Portugal II (Moths of Portugal)
- 2018. Nitrogénio, nem demais nem de menos (Nitrogen)
- 2019. Dê Sangue - Instituto Português Sangue e Transplantação
- 2019. Nudibrânquios (Nudibranchs)
- 2020. Salvamentos no Mediterrâneo (Rescue in the Mediterranean)
- 2020. Sinais de Crianças Expostas - Santa Casa Misericórdia
- 2021. Ano Internacional da Paz e da Confiança (International Year of Peace and Trust)
- 2021. Dia Mundial da Tuberculose (World Tuberculosis Day)
- 2022. Ano Internacional da Pesca e da Aquicultura Artesanais IYAFA2022 (Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture)
- 2022. International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development IYBSSD 2022
- 2023. 125 Anos Aquário Vasco da Gama. Onde o mergulho Começa!
- 2023. Sustentabilidade - Compromisso ambiental, social, de proximidade (Sustainability)
- 2024. 100 Anos da Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (World Organisation for Animal Health)
- 2024. Bombeiros de Portugal (Firefighters)
- ATM issues 1981 - 2002
- 1981. Frama issue
- 1990. Post logo
- 1991. ESPIGUEIRO, Norte de Portugal (1)
- 1992. Caravela portuguesa séc XVI (1st imprint)
- 1992. Ciclista, brinquedo popular (Cyclist, popular toy)
- 1992. ESPIGUEIRO, Norte de Portugal (2)
- 1993. Nau Portuguesa Séc. XVI
- 1995. Auto-ambulância 'Volkswagen', década de 1950
- 1995. Caravela portuguesa séc XVI (2nd imprint)
- 1995. Galeao Portugués Sec. XVI (Portuguese Galleon)
- 1995. GALINHAS, Brinquedo Popular (1) - No dots
- 1995. GALINHAS, Brinquedo Popular (2) - DOTS
- 1996. GALINHAS, Brinquedo Popular (Paper Litho Formas)
- 1996. PASSARINHO Brinquedo Popular
- 1997. Galeao portugues (INCM)
- 1997. PORTUGAL 98 Lisboa - Exposição Internacional Filatelia
- 1997. PORTUGAL 98 Lisboa - Exposição Internacional Filatelia
- 1998. EXPO 98
- 1998. Museu das Comunicações
- 1999. Dinossaurios em Portugal (Dinosaurs in Portugal)
- 1999. O Amolador
- 2000. Flamingo comum (Phoenicopterus roseus)
- 2000. Marrequinho
- Franquias / Postage labels
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (Euro, the currency of Europe)
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Sverige
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- 1984. Frama issue
- 2008 - 2015. Post&Go issues
- 2008 - 2015. Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) - Original edition
- 2008. Post&Go - Wincor Nixdorf issues (1)
- 2010. Post&Go - Wincor Nixdorf issues (2)
- 2011 - 2012. Hytech issues
- 2011. Hytech - Special imprint 'Arnold Machin 1911-1999'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Diamond Jubilee 1952-2012'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Perth 2012'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint '84th Scottish Congress 2013'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 World Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'The Coronation 60th Anniversary'
- 2014. Hytech - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Postage Due 1914'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'PhilaKorea 2014 World Stamp Expo'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'The B.P.M.A. Inland Airmail 1934'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint '85th Scottish Congress 2014'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Stampex 2014 19-22 February'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The NMRN'
- 2014. NCR issues
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Paris November 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Queen Elizabeth II Longest Reign'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Sindelfingen October 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint '86th Scottish Congress 2015'
- 2009 - ... Horizon labels - Machin
- 2010. Birds of Britain (1)
- 2011. Birds of Britain (2)
- 2011. Birds of Britain (3)
- 2011. Birds of Britain (4)
- 2012-2015. Union flag
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Diamond Jubilee 1952-2012'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Perth 2012'
- 2012. Hytech issues
- 2012. Post&Go - Wincor Nixdorf issues
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint '84th Scottish Congress 2013'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 World Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. Hytech + IAR - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Postage Due 1914'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'PhilaKorea 2014 World Stamp Expo'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint '85th Scottish Congress 2014'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special impr. 'Jersey Post HQ' (Jersey)
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'Broad Street' (Jersey)
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The NMRN'
- 2014. Intelligent AR Limited issues
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Envoy House'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Fleet Air Arm'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Hong Kong November 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Paris November 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'RN Submarine'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Marines Trafalgar Day'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Marines'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Navy Trafalgar Day'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Navy'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Sindelfingen October 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Singpex 2015 World Stamp Expo'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'STEAM GWR' (Great Western Railway)
- 2015. Intelligent AR - 'Spring Stampex February 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint '86th Scottish Congress 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Gibraltar House'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Messe Essen 7-9 May 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The FAAM V.E. Day 70'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The NMRN V.E. Day 70'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The RMM V.E. Day 70'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The RNSM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The FAAM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The RMM'
- Special imprints
- 2012. British farm animals (1) - Sheep
- 2012. British farm animals (2) - Pigs
- 2012. British farm animals (3) - Cattle
- 2012. Robin (Christmas) - Paper MA12
- 2013-2014. Robin (Christmas) - Paper MA13
- 2013-2015. Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) - Paper MA13
- 2013. Hytech issues
- 2013. Post&Go issues - Wincor Nixdorf
- 2014-2015. Intelligent AR issues
- 2014. Hytech + IAR - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Postage Due 1914'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'PhilaKorea 2014 World Stamp Expo'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint '85th Scottish Congress 2014'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Stampex 2014 19-22 February'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Stampex Spring 19-22 February'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. NCR issues
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Europhilex London Penny Black 175'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Fleet Air Arm' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'RN Submarine' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Marines' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Navy' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Singpex 2015 World Stamp Expo'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'STEAM GWR' (Great Western Railway)
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'The RNSM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint '86th Scottish Congress 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Messe Essen 7-9 May 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Penny Black 175'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The NMRN'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special impr. 'The B.P.M.A. Trollope 200'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The FAAM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The RMM'
- 2013. Freshwater life (1) - Ponds
- 2013. Freshwater life (2) - Lakes
- 2013. Freshwater life (3) - Rivers
- 2013. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA12
- 2013. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA13
- 2013. Union Flag - Paper MA13
- 2014. British flora (1) - Spring blooms
- 2014. British flora (II) - Symbolic flowers
- 2014. British fora (III) - Winter greenery
- 2014. Common Poppy
- 2014. Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) - Papel MA14
- 2014. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA14
- 2015. Common Poppy - Paper MA15
- 2015. Heraldic Beasts
- 2015. Hong Kong (Sea Travel)
- 2015. Lion (Heraldic Beasts)
- 2015. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA15
- 2015. Royal Mail - Enquiry offices
- 2015. Sea Travel
- 2015. Winter Fur and Feathers
- 2015. Working sail
- 2023. Horizon labels - King Charles III
- Issues 2016
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- 2016. Post & Go - 87th Scottish Congress Perth
- 2016. Post & Go - Autumn Stampex 2016
- 2016. Post & Go - British Forces Post Office Northolt
- 2016. Post & Go - New York World Stamp Show NY2016
- 2016. Post & Go - Political party conferences
- 2016. Post & Go - Royal Navy Museums
- 2016. Post & Go - Spring Stampex 2016
- 2016. Post & Go - STEAM GWR
- 2016. Post & Go - The Postal Museum
- Classification by postage label designs
- 2016. Common Poppy - MA15
- 2016. Common Poppy - MA16
- 2016. Hibernating Animals
- 2016. Ladybirds
- 2016. Lion (Heraldic Lion)
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - MA13
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - MA15
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - MA16
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - Original design, undated
- 2016. Machin (2nd Class) - MA12
- 2016. Machin 2nd Class - MA16
- 2016. Mail coach, 1790s
- 2016. New York (Sea Travel series)
- 2016. Royal Mail Heritage - Transport
- 2016. Travelling Post Office, 1890s - Locomotive
- 2016. Union flag
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- Issues 2017
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- 2017. Post & Go - 88th Scottish Congress Perth
- 2017. Post & Go - A001 The Postal Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A002 National Museum Royal Navy Portsmouth
- 2017. Post & Go - A003 Fleet Air Arm Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A004 Royal Navy Submarine Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A005 East Anglian Railway Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A006 HMS Trincomalee
- 2017. Post & Go - A007 Explosion! Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A009 Shakespeare Gift Shop
- 2017. Post & Go - A010 STEAM GWR
- 2017. Post & Go - A011 Royal Signals Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - Autumn Stampex 2017
- 2017. Post & Go - M007 Political party Conferences
- 2017. Post & Go - M011 Ministry of Defence (MOD Abbey Wood)
- 2017. Post & Go - Spring Stampex 2017
- Classification by postage label designs
- 2017. British flora (II) - Symbolic flowers
- 2017. Common Poppy
- 2017. Lion (Heraldic Lion)
- 2017. Machin (1st Class)
- 2017. Machin (1st Class) - MA13
- 2017. Machin (1st Class) - MA14
- 2017. Machin (1st Class) - MA15
- 2017. Machin (2nd Class)
- 2017. Machin 1st Class (Edition 2016)
- 2017. Machin Anniversary 1967-2017
- 2017. Mail coach, 1790s
- 2017. Post Office (London) Railway
- 2017. Royal Mail Heritage: Mail by Air
- 2017. Royal Mail Heritage: Mail by Rail
- 2017. Spear Thistle
- 2017. Travelling Post Office, 1890s
- 2017. Union flag
- 2017. Winter Greenery (Edition 2017)
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- Issues 2018
- Issues 2019
- PC Stamps
- UK - Issues 2020
- UK - Issues 2021
- UK - Issues 2022
- UK - Issues 2023
- Vatican City
- Yugoslavia
- Åland
- Australia
- 1984. Definitive issue
- 1985. Kangaroos
- 1986. Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
- 1987. Echidna
- 1988. Common ringtail possum
- 1989. Lizard
- 1990. Koala
- 1992. Emu
- 1993. Threatened species
- 1994. Kangaroos and koalas
- 1994. Waratah flower
- 1996. Festive Frama
- 1999. Aboriginal art
- 2000. Farewell Frama
- 2011. Definitive issue - Postal kiosks
- Other franking labels and stamps
- French Polynesia
- New Caledonia
- 2002. Tropical landscape - Face value CFP - black imprint
- 2002. Tropical landscape - Face value CFP - violet imprint
- 2002. Tropical landscape - Face value F - black imprint
- 2003. Tropical landscape - Text NLLE CALEDONIE - Black imprint
- 2003. Tropical landscape - Text NLLE CALEDONIE - Violet imprint
- Variable rate stamps / Counter stamps (1980 - ...)
- New Zealand
- Norfolk
- Papua New Guinea
- Pitcairn Islands
- Australia
- 09. Classified by TOPIC
- 10. TEST / SAMPLE issues
- 11. Maximum cards / Maxicards
- 12. Lots & collections - Kiloware
- ByPost
- CITY POST International Post Services
- CORREOS - Tourist channel
- Hispapost
- IFCC - International First Class Courier SL
- La Postal SPU
- Local private postal operators
- Non-identified postal operators (Maltapost PLC)
- OPENMAIL (Portugal)
- Post By Me
- SWISS POST INTERNATIONAL (Spain - Gibraltar - Italy)
- 14. Stamp collecting accessories
- 15. Catalogues and ATEEME - Publications & Subscriptions
- 16. Special COVID-19 issues and stamps
- 2020. COLOMBIA - Lucha contra el COVID-19
- 2020. GIBRALTAR - Thanks! (Postal stationnery)
- 2020. GREENLAND - Fighting COVID-19
- 2020. INDONESIA - Bersatu melawan COVID-19 (United against COVID-19)
- 2020. ISLE OF MAN - Carry Us Through (COVID-19)
- 2020. MACAO - Fight Against the Epidemic Together - Covid-19
- 2020. SPAIN - Agradecimiento COVID-19 (ATM & souvenir sheet)
- 2021. ANDORRA (French Post) - Homenatge als esforços de tothom davant COVID-19
- 2021. ANDORRA (Spanish Post) - Homenatge als esforços de tothom enfront COVID-19
- 2021. DENMARK - Everyday Heroes
- 2021. FAROE ISLANDS - ILA-Virus & COVID-19
- 2021. INDONESIA - Vaksin nasional - Vaksin aman dan Halal (National vaccines - Safe and Halal)
- 2021. INDONESIA - Vaksinasi COVID-19 (COVID-19 Vaccination)
- 2021. ISRAEL - Magen David Adom - Testing for covid19
- 2021. SPAIN - ACNUR frente a la COVID-19 (UNHCR response to COVID-19)
- 2021. SPAIN - Gestión de residuos COVID-19 (Waste management)
- 2022. COSTA RICA - Costa Rica frente al COVID-19 Coronavirus
- 2022. FRANCE - Timbres Passion Moulins Allier - Report 2022 Cause Covid 19
- 2022. QATAR - We are proud of our frontline heroes - Covid-19
- 2022. SPAIN - Salud mental y COVID-19 (Mental health & COVID-19)
- 2022. SPAIN - VIII Concurso Disello 2021 - Por los que nos cuidan (For those who care of us)

ATM issues 2018