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- 03. SPAIN
- 1980 - 1993. Postage labels
- 1989 - 1990. Frama issue
- 1992 - 1996. Klüssendorf / IBM issues
- 1992 - 2007. EPELSA & MOBBA thermal ATM issues
- ARM issues
- Special ATM machines LF
- Special imprints (2001-2006)
- Test issues
- Thermal ATMs 1992-1997
- 10. Hand writing letter
- 11. Post emblem (2)
- 12. Globe and space (1 - dark blue)
- 14. Globe and space (2 - light blue)
- 16.1. Literatura - Cervantes (Partially phosphorescent paper)
- 16.2. Literatura - Cervantes (Phosphorescent paper)
- 17.1. Naturaleza (Nature) - Type 1 (Matt paper)
- 17.2. Naturaleza (Nature) - Type 2 (Glossy paper)
- 18. Pintura (Painting)
- 19. Musica (Music)
- 4.1. Post emblem - Paper ALBENIZ
- 4.2. Post emblem - Paper OVELAR
- 4.3. Post emblem - Paper FNMT
- 7. Men figures
- 9. Letter
- Year ATM collections
- Thermal ATMs 1998
- Thermal ATMs 1999
- 26. Navidad 98 (Christmas - Dove - star)
- 27. Calpe
- 28. IV Centenario (1598-1998) Felipe II
- 29. Sta. María la Real de la Almudena. Madrid
- 30. 1999. Año de la educación vial (Road safety education)
- 31. Calidad postal (Postal quality)
- 32. 50 Aniversario Coronación Sta. María Puerto - Santoña
- 33. 100 Años Real Club Tenis Barcelona - 1899
- 34. Coronación Canónica M. Stma. de la Estrella
- 35. Virgen del Carmen (Virgin of Carmen)
- 36. España Turistica (Tourist Spain)
- 37. Exposición Mundial de Filatelia España 2000
- 38. 75 Aniversario Coronación Virgen Belén - Patrona Almansa
- Year ATM collections
- Thermal ATMs 2000
- 39. Copa del Rey ACB 2000 - Vitoria-Gasteiz
- 40. 1er. Congreso Internacional Prevención Riesgos Laborales
- 41. 1900 - 2000. Cien Años Seguridad Social
- 42. Gran Regata 2000
- 43. XX Convención Ciudades Carnaval. Santa Cruz Tenerife
- 44. Expo 2000 Hannover - Pabellón de España
- 45. 350 Aniv. Purísima santuario Castroverde de Campos (Zamora)
- 46. III Centenario Sra. Dolores y Cristo Clemencia. Córdoba
- 47. HISPASAT 1C. El satélite español (Spanish satellite)
- 48. Año Jubilar Lebaniego. Santo Toribio de Liébana (Cantabria)
- 49. Terra Mítica
- 50. 50 Aniversario Convención Europea Derechos Hombre
- Year ATM collections
- Thermal ATMs 2001
- 2001. Collections
- 51. Locomotora 120, Madrileña (1851) (Steam locomotive)
- 52. Locomotora 141, 2040 - Norte (1918)
- 53. Consejo Internacional de Museos - ICOM 2001 Barcelona
- 54. Locomotora 030, 2103 - Norte 1405 (1861) (Steam locomotive)
- 55. Locomotora 030, 2577 - M.Z.A. 454 (1882) (Steam locomotive)
- 56. Tourism - Map of Spain
- 57. Bicentenario del nacimiento de Alejandro MON 1801-2001
- 58. FORD T (CASC)
- 59. Hispano Suiza T (CASC)
- 60. Peugeot Bébé
- 61. Rolls Royce S.G. 1919
- 62. De Dion Bouton B.S. (CASC)
- 63. Humber "T" 1910 (CASC)
- Thermal ATMs 2002
- 64. Monet Goyon LB, 1932 (MMC - Hervás)
- 65. II Congreso Internacional Prevención Riesgos Laborales - ORP 2002
- 66. Norton, 1936 (CASC)
- 67. New Hudson, 1914 (CASC)
- 68. Motobecane B-44, 1930 (MMC - Hervás)
- 69. Nimbus 750, 1939 (MMC - Hervás)
- 70. Foro Postal Europa-América 2002 (Europe- America Postal Forum)
- 71. Crucero Infanta Isabel, S. XIX (M.N.M.)
- 72. Pailebote 'Santa Eulàlia' (M.M.B.-C.D.M.)
- 73. Vapor mixto 'Miguel M. Pinillos'
- 74. Jabeque (M.M.B.-C.D.M.)
- 75. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Zaragoza
- 76. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Cadiz
- 77. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Logroño
- 78. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - A Coruña
- 79. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture). Osorno (Palencia)
- 80. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture). Ferrol
- 81. Posta arkitektura (Postal architecture). Donostia - San Sebastián
- 82. Arquitectura postal (Postal architecture) - Madrid
- 83. Salamanca 2002. Ciudad Europea de la Cultura
- 84. Concurs Pinta el teu segell - Llengües d'Europa (Draw your stamp competition)
- Thermal ATMs 2003
- 100. Berliet - 1926. Museo Historia Automoción - Salamanca
- 101. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon Otoño
- 102. Donosti - 1928. Museo Historia Automoción - Salamanca
- 56.3. Tourism - Map of Spain (Third reprinting - SIGNE)
- 85. Mobylette AU-HT con sidecar, 1954 (MMC-Hervás)
- 86. Sanglas 350/1, 1948 (MMC - Hervás)
- 87. Soriano Puma con sidecar, 1947 (MMC-Hervás)
- 88. Amilcar - 1927. Museo Historia Automoción - Salamanca
- 89. Sammer Gallery. El Verano
- 90. Sammer Gallery. Bodegón con Tulipanes
- 91. Faeton exclusivo
- 92. Sammer Gallery. El Otoño
- 93. Hispano Suiza 20-30 HP - 1910. Museo Historia Automoción
- 94. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon
- 95. Sammer Gallery. Frutas
- 96. DKW con sidecar - 1938. Museo de la Moto Clásica de Hervás
- 97. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon Naranjas
- 98. Spider con capota. Año 1705. Museo Moto Clásica de Hervás
- 99. Sammer Gallery. Bodegon Farmacia
- Thermal ATMs 2004
- 103. Sammer Gallery. Uvae
- 104. Locomotora y Tender. Año: 1900-1901. Museo del Ferrocarril
- 105. 11-M Madrid, Día Europeo de las Víctimas del Terrorismo (European Day Victims Terrorism)
- 106. Sammer Gallery. Bodegón del Sifón
- 107. Red Life. Sammer Gallery (1)
- 108. España 2004. Exposición Mundial de Filatelia (Royal wedding Felipe de Borbón - Letizia Ortiz)
- 109. Red Life. Sammer Gallery (2)
- 110. Pegaso Z-102 SS P Spyder Serra Prototipo 1955. Museo Historia Automoción Salamanca
- 111. Bodegon con calabaza. Sammer Gallery
- 112. J. Carrero. Carta desde mi tierra
- 113. Rolls Royce 1947. Modelo Coupé Serra
- 56.4. Tourism - Map of Spain (Reprinting RCM)
- Special Exposición Filatélica Nacional EXFILNA 2004 Valladolid
- Special Exposición Mundial de Filatelia ESPAÑA 2004 (Royal wedding)
- Thermal ATMs 2005
- 114. Constitución Europea (European Constitution)
- 115. J. Carrero. Tarjeta Postal
- 116. Milord 1900. Museo de la Moto Clásica de Hervás
- 117. Locomotora (locomotive) 1887. Museo del Ferrocarril
- 118. Meléndez. Africanas II. Sammer Gallery
- 119. Meléndez. Frutas & Girasol. Sammer Gallery
- 120. Meléndez: Guitarra con Frutas. Sammer Gallery
- 121. Meléndez: Tengo que pintarlo. Sammer Gallery
- 122. Chico Montilla: La tarde crece interminable. Sammer Gallery
- 123. Chico Montilla: Las Ballenas de piedra. Sammer Gallery
- 124. Chico Montilla: Las Flores silvestres. Sammer Gallery
- 125. Chico Montilla: Mañana en jardín. Sammer Gallery
- 126. Igor Fomin. s/t (Untitled). Sammer Gallery
- 127. Igor Fomin. Adelaida la Fantasiosa. Sammer Gallery
- 128. Locomotora Estado serie 1000. Ferrocarril transpirenaico
- 129. Igor Fomin. Los bombones y el amor a primera vista
- Special Exposición Filatélica Nacional EXFILNA 2005 Alicante
- Thermal ATMs 2006 - 2007
- From 2016 to now. Intelligent AR - ATM issues
- ATM issues 2016
- 2016. 00. Annual sets
- 2016. 01. XLVIII Feria Nacional del Sello 2016 - Cibeles & Plaza
- 2016. 02. Old postbox & packet - Telegraph & digital mail - '14-19 Septiembre Zaragoza'
- 2016. 02. Old postbox & packet - Telegraph & digital mail - '21-24 Abril 2016 Madrid'
- 2016. 02. Old postbox & packet - Telegraph & digital mail - 'Madrid Chamartin'
- 2016. 03. EXFILNA / ECC 2016 - Cathedral & bridges
- ATM issues 2017
- ATM issues 2018
- ATM issues 2019
- 2019. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2019. 01. Palacio Comunicaciones + Lenguas indígenas
- 2019. 02. JUVENIA 2019 Burgos (El Cid + Sarmental rose window)
- 2019. 03. 51 Feria Nacional del Sello - Humor gráfico (Humour)
- 2019. 04. Centenario Palacio de Comunicaciones (SPECIAL EDITION)
- 2019. 05. 57 EXFILNA 2019 Santander (Crane & Beachcombers)
- 2019. 06. 73ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne Paris (Notre-Dame)
- ATM issues 2020
- 2020. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2020. 01. Cyclist postmen + Year of Plant health
- 2020. 02. IX Feria Intern. Coleccionismo (Villanueva Serena)
- 2020. 03. 100 years of first Airmail & Women in Olympic sport
- 2020. 04. Agradecimiento. Covid-19 (Thanks to essential workers)
- 2020. 05. 58 EXFILNA / ECC Cáceres 2020 (Virtual x Covid 19)
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2021
- 2021. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2021. 01. 75 aniv. servicio Filatélico Correos + XACOBEO 2021
- 2021. 02. Año Internacional para la eliminación del trabajo infantil (Elimination of Child Labour)
- 2021. 03. 59 EXFILNA Lugo 2021 (National Stamp Exhibition) - 21 a 24 de octubre de 2021
- 2021. 04. XACOBEO 2021 (Holy Year) - Special edition, imprint '21-24 octubre Lugo'
- 2021. 05. Exposición Nacional de Filatelia Juvenil (Youth stamp exhibition) - JUVENIA 2021 Oviedo
- 2021. 06. XACOBEO 2021 (Holy Year) - Special edition, imprint '10 noviembre Oviedo'
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2022
- 2022. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2022. 01. Salud mental y COVID-19 & Año Internacional del vidrio - 'Madrid Chamartín'
- 2022. 02. Fiestas populares - Fallas València & Parque Natural de l'Albufera de València
- 2022. 03. Fallas València & Parque Natural de l'Albufera - Special edition with graphics
- 2022. 04. Salud mental y COVID-19 & Año Internacional del vidrio - 'Madrid Clara Campoamor'
- 2022. 05. 52 Feria Nacional del Sello - Puerta de Alcalá & Templete estación metro
- 2022. 06. 52 Feria Nacional del Sello - Puerta Alcalá & Templete metro - Special edition with graphics
- 2022. 07. LGTBI+ (Madrid Orgullo - Madrid Pride 2022)
- 2022. 08. LGTBI+ (Madrid Orgullo - Madrid Pride 2022) - Special edition with graphics
- 2022. 09. Fiestas populares Sanfermines, Pamplona / Iruña
- 2022. 10. Fiestas populares Sanfermines, Pamplona / Iruña - Special edition with graphic
- 2022. 11. EXFILNA Irún - 500 años expedición Magallanes-Elcano & Barco Mariñel
- 2022. 12. EXFILNA Irún - 500 años expedición Magallanes-Elcano & Barco Mariñel - Edition with graphics
- 2022. 13. EXFILNA Irún - Barco Mariñel, Hondarribia - Special imprint - '22 septiembre Hondarribia'
- 2022. 14. EXFILNA Irún - 500 años expedición Magallanes-Elcano - Special imprint '23 septiembre Getaria'
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2023
- 2023. 1. Día Internacional de la Paz y Homenaje ATM antiguas - 'Madrid Clara Campoamor'
- 2023. 2. Día Internacional de la Paz y la No Violencia - Special imprint '31 enero Burgos'
- 2023. 3. EXFILNA Teruel - Castillo de Mora de Rubielos & Torico
- 2023. 4. EXFILNA Teruel - Castillo de Mora de Rubielos & Torico - Special editions with graphics
- 2023. 5. Reptil marino Liopleurodon. Mar Nummus (Albarracín)
- 2023. 6. Reptil marino Liopleurodon. Mar Nummus (Albarracín) - Special edition with graphics
- 2023. 7. EXFILNA Teruel - Castillo de Mora de Rubielos - Special imprint '20 abril Mora de Rubielos'
- 2023. 8. Reptil marino Liopleurodon. Mar Nummus (Albarracín) - Special imprint '21 abril Albarracín'
- 2023. 9. Sevilla Fiestas de Primavera (Sevilla Spring Festivals)
- 2023. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2023. 10. Sevilla Fiestas de Primavera (Sevilla Spring Festivals) - Special editions with graphics
- 2023. 11. TAIPEI 2023 39th Asian International Stamp Exhibition
- 2023. 12. TAIPEI 2023 39th Asian International Stamp Exhibition - Special edition with graphic
- 2023. 13. Fiestas Populares. La Mercè Castells Barcelona (La Mercè Festival)
- 2023. 14. La Mercè Castells Barcelona (La Mercè Festival) - Special editions with graphics
- 2023. 15. 53 Feria Nacional del Sello - Ciudad sostenible y Consumo responsable
- 2023. 16. 53 Feria del Sello - Ciudad sostenible y Consumo responsable - Editions with graphics
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2024
- 2024. 1. 2024 Año Internacional Camélidos & Polikarpov I-16 - 'Madrid Clara Campoamor'
- 2024. 2. Avión Polikarpov I-16 - '4 febrero Madrid' - Special edition with graphic
- 2024. 3. Año Lunar Chino del Dragón 2024 - '9-11 febrero Madrid' (Chinese Lunar Year of the Dragon)
- 2024. 4. Año Lunar Chino del Dragón 2024 - '9-11 febrero Madrid' - Special edition with graphic
- 2024. 5. 54 Feria Nacional del Sello - Cervantes en Madrid & Antonio Palacios Hotel Florida
- 2024. 6. 54 Feria Sello - Cervantes en Madrid & Antonio Palacios Hotel Florida - Editions with graphics
- 2024. 7. JAKARTA 2024 Asian International Stamp Exhibition - '3-7 julio Jakarta'
- 2024. 8. JAKARTA 2024 Asian International Stamp Exhibition - '3-7 july Jakarta' - Edition with graphic
- 2024. 9. LA VUELTA 24 Salida Lisboa - '17 agosto Lisboa'
- 2024. 00. Annual sets / Yearbook
- 2024. 11. LA VUELTA 24 Llegada Madrid - '8 septiembre Madrid'
- 2024. 12. LA VUELTA 24 Llegada Madrid - '8 septiembre Madrid' - Special edition with graphic
- 2024. 13. 62 EXFILNA - Castillo de Peñafiel & 69 SEMINCI Valladolid
- 2024. 14. 62 EXFILNA - Castillo de Peñafiel & 69 SEMINCI Valladolid - Special editions with graphics
- 2024.10. LA VUELTA 24 Salida Lisboa - '17 agosto Lisboa' - Special edition with graphic
- SPAIN - ATM issues 2025
- ATM issues 2016
- Lots & collections
- Other franking systems
- 04. AFRICA
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Namibia (South West Africa - SWA)
- South Africa
- 1980s - Variable value stamps
- 1986. Definitive issue (1)
- 1986. Johannesburg 100
- 1987. Definitive issue (2)
- 1987. PAARL 300
- 1988. PIETERMARITZBURG 150 - 22-27 Nov. 1988
- 1988. Post logo (1) - P.001
- 1988. Post logo (2)
- 1989. WANDERERS 101 - 6-9 September 1989
- 1990. STAMPS 150 SEELS
- 1992. Pretoria 92
- 1994. Benoni 94
- 1998. Landscapes of the South Africa's provinces
- 2004. 2010 Bid - FIFA Word Cup
- Tunisia
- Zimbabwe
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- 1979. XVIII Congreso da União Postal Universal
- 1981. Definitive issue (1)
- 1981. Definitive issue (2)
- 1993. Brasiliana 93 - Exposiçao Mundial de Filatelia
- 1993. Post emblem
- 1994. 46a Feira internacional do livro - Frankfurt
- 1997. White dove (1)
- 2000. Ararajuba
- 2004. White dove (2)
- 2004. White dove (3)
- Variable value stamps
- Canada
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- 1993. Typical oxcart (Klüssendorf issue)
- 2002. Playa Manzanillo (Manzanillos beach) (1)
- 2002. Playa Manzanillo (Manzanillos beach) (2)
- 2003. Rana calzonuda (Agalychnis callidryas) - Gaudy Leaf Frog
- 2004. Isla del Coco (Coco island)
- 2004. Volcán Arenal (Arenal volcano)
- 2005. Rana Roja Venenosa (Blue jeans dart frog)
- 2005. Volcán Irazú (Irazu volcano)
- 2008. Boyero (Ox cart driver)
- 2010. Golfo de Papagayo (Gulf of Papagayo)
- 2010. Tortuga Lora (Lora turtle - Lepidochelys olivacea)
- 2012. Correos de Costa Rica logo (1)
- 2012. Correos de Costa Rica logo (3)
- 2013. Correos de Costa Rica logo (2)
- 2014. Correos de Costa Rica logo (4)
- 2017. Víbora de Montaña (Bothriechis nigroviridis) - Speckled palm viper
- 2018. Mielero Patirrojo (Cyanerpes cyaneus) - Red-legged honeycreeper
- 2020. Araña Saltarina (Salticidae) - Jumping spider
- 2021. Esmeralda de coronilla cobriza (Elvira cupreiceps) - Coppery-headed emerald
- 2022. Ranita Venenosa Granular (Oophaga granulifera) - Granular Poison Dart Frog
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Mexico
- Netherlands Antilles
- Panama
- 1989. AUTOPOST issue
- 1992. US symbol
- 1994. US symbol (2)
- 2004 - 2020. APC / SSK issues
- 2008. STAMPS.COM
- 2009. STAMPS.COM
- 2010-2011. STAMPS.COM
- 2011. AVERY
- 2011. Pitney Bowes - mail&go
- 2012. Stamps.com
- 2021. APC / SSK. A visit from St Nick
- 2022. APC / SSK. Holiday Elves
- 2023. APC / SSK. Snowman
- 2024. APC / SSK. Poinsettia (Christmas)
- ENDICIA issues
- HASLER issues
- STAMPS.COM 2002-2004
- STAMPS.COM 2005-2006
- 06. ASIA
- China
- Hong Kong
- 1986. Fish
- 1987. Year of the rabbit
- 1988. Year of the Dragon
- 1989. Year of the snake
- 1990. Year of the horse
- 1991. Year of the goat
- 1992. Year of the monkey
- 1993. Year of the rooster
- 1994. Year of the dog
- 1995. Year of the pig
- 1996. Year of the rat
- 1997. Year of the buffalo
- 1998. Hong Kong
- 1998. Year of the tiger
- 2002. Special issue
- 2009. Definitive issue (1)
- 2010. Definitive - kiosk (3)
- 2010. Definitive issue (2)
- 2018. Definitive issue (Postal kiosks)
- 2021. Bauhinia x blakeana, flor nacional de Hong Kong
- Test issues
- Variable value / Counter stamps (1980's)
- Indonesia
- Israel
- 1988 - 1998. FRAMA issues
- 1990 - 1998. KLÜSSENDORF issues
- 1990. Post emblem
- 1992. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1993. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1994-97. Tourism - Capernaum
- 1994. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1994. Tourism - Akko
- 1994. Tourism - Bethlehem
- 1994. Tourism - Jerusalem
- 1994. Tourism - Jerusalem (2)
- 1994. Tourism - Nazareth
- 1994. Tourism - Tiberias
- 1994. Tourism - Yafo
- 1994. Turismo - Massada
- 1995. Jerusalem 3000
- 1995. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1996. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1996. Turismo - Haifa
- 1997. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1997. Tourism - Knesset
- 1997. Turismo - Beer Sheva
- 1998. ISRAEL 98 (Klüssendorf)
- 1998. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 1991 - ... MASSAD / MAOR stamps
- ATM issues 2004
- ATM issues 2005
- ATM issues 2006
- ATM issues 2007
- ATM issues 2008
- ATM issues 2009
- ATM issues 2010
- ATM issues 2011
- ATM issues 2012
- ATM issues 2013
- 2013. Blue water lily - Nymphaea caerulea (Endangered flowers 5)
- 2013. Coral peony - Paeonia mascula (Endangered flowers 3)
- 2013. Endangered flowers
- 2013. Iris mariae (Endangered flowers 2)
- 2013. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2013. Spotted Rockrose - Tuberaria guttata (Endang. flowers 4)
- 2013. Tel Aviv Stamp Exhibition - Israel 65 Years
- ATM issues 2014
- ATM issues 2015
- 2015.01. Phasianidae (Partridges and Allies)
- 2015.02. Alectoris chukar (Chukar partridge)
- 2015.03. Postal vehicles
- 2015.04. Ammordix heyi (Ammoperdix heyi - Sand partridge)
- 2015.05. Francolinus francolinus (Black francolin)
- 2015.06. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2015.07. Coturnix coturnix (Common quail)
- ATM issues 2016
- 2016.01. Dog Adoption in Israel
- 2016.02. Dog Adoption in Israel (2) - Willy - Southern Israel
- 2016.03. Dog Adoption in Israel (3) - Bob - Central Israel
- 2016.04. Dog Adoption (4) - Viki & Riki - Central Israel
- 2016.05. Dog Adoption in Israel (5) - Teddy - Northern Israel
- 2016.06. JERUSALEM 2016 Stamp Exhibition
- 2016.07. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2017
- ATM issues 2018
- 2018. 01. Trains in Israel
- 2018. 02. The Valley Railway - Locomotive 265
- 2018. 03. Steam locomotives - 70414
- 2018. 04. Diesel locomotives - 1307
- 2018. 05. Israel 70 Years of Independence
- 2018. 06. World Stamp Championship (Jerusalem tramway)
- 2018. 07. World Stamp Championship - Israel 2018 - MAOR
- 2018. 08. Electric locomotives - 3003
- 2018. 09. Season's Greetings From the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2019
- 2019. 01. Fighter jets in the Israeli Air Force
- 2019. 02. Fighter jets (3) - Dassault Mystère IVA
- 2019. 03. Fighter jets (2) - Supermarine Spitfire IX
- 2019. 04. Fighter jets (4) - A-4H Skyhawk
- 2019. 05. Fighter jets (5) - Dassault Mirage IIICJ
- 2019. 06. Dare to Dream - Eurovision Song Contest Tel Aviv 2019
- 2019. 07. Fighter jets (6) - F-4E Phantom II
- 2019. 08. Fighter jets (7) - F-16A Fighting Falcon
- 2019. 09. Fighter jets (8) - F-15I Strike Eagle
- 2019. 10. Fighter jets (9) - F-35I Lightning II
- 2019. 11. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2020
- 2020. 01. Israeli Air Force Helicopters
- 2020. 02. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (2) - Hiller 360
- 2020. 03. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (3) - Sikorsky H-34
- 2020. 04. IAF Helicopters (4) - Aerospatiale Super Frelon SA 321
- 2020. 05. IAF Helicopters (5) - Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion
- 2020. 06. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (6) - Bell AH-1F Cobra
- 2020. 07. Israeli Air Force Helicopters (7) - Bell 212
- 2020. 08. IAF Helicopters (8). Boeing AH-64D-I Apache Longbow
- 2020. 09. IAF Helicopters (9). Sikorsky S-70A-50 Black Hawk
- 2020. 10. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2021
- 2021. 01. Emergency, Search and Rescue Organizations in Israel
- 2021. 02. Magen David Adom - evacuating the injured
- 2021. 03. Magen David Adom - Testing for covid19
- 2021. 04. Israel Fire and Rescue Services - Fighting Fires in Fields and Woods
- 2021. 05. Israel Fire and Rescue Services - Fighting Fires in Urban Areas
- 2021. 06. Israel Police - Bomb Disposal Expert
- 2021. 07. Israel Police - Marine Rescue
- 2021. 08. IDF Home Front Command Search & Rescue Brigade
- 2021. 09. Israel Police Volunteer Rescue Teams
- 2021. 10. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2022
- 2022. 01. Animals in urban area (1) - Dove
- 2022. 02. Animals in urban area (2) - Ptyodactylus guttatus (Sinai Fan-fingered gecko)
- 2022. 03. Animals in urban area (3) - Upupa epops (Eurasian Hoopoe)
- 2022. 04. Animals in urban area (4) - Burhinus oedicnemus (Eurasian thick-knee)
- 2022. 05. Animals in urban area (5) - Microcarbo pygmaeus (Pygmy cormorant)
- 2022. 06. Animals in urban area (6) - Apus apus (Common swift)
- 2022. 07. Animals in urban area (7) - Hemiechinus auritus (Long-eared Hedgehog)
- 2022. 08. Animals in urban area (8) - Chamaeleo chamaeleon (Mediterranean Chameleon)
- 2022. 09. Animals in urban area (9) - Rousettus aegyptiacus (Egyptian fruit bat)
- 2022. 10. Seasonal Greetings from the Holy Land
- ATM issues 2023
- 2023. 01. National parks in Israel (1)
- 2023. 02. Bet Guvrin National Park - National parks in Israel (2)
- 2023. 03. Masada National Park - National parks in Israel (3)
- 2023. 04. Israel 75 Years of Independence
- 2023. 05. Caesarea National Park - National parks in Israel (4)
- 2023. 06. Herodium National Park - National parks in Israel (5)
- 2023. 07. Seasonal Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2023. 08. Baram National Park - National parks in Israel (6)
- 2023. 09. Nimrod Fortress National Park - National parks in Israel (7)
- ATM issues 2024
- 2024. 2. Animals from the Bible (2) - Cattle
- 2024. 3. Animals from the Bible (3) - Sheep
- 2024. 4. The Olympic Games 2024 - Good Luck to Our Olympic Athletes
- 2024. 5. Animals from the Bible (4) - Horse (Caballo)
- 2024. 6. Animals from the Bible (5) - Leopard
- 2024. 7. Season's Greetings from the Holy Land
- 2024. 8. Animals from the Bible (6) - Goat
- 2024. 9. Animals from the Bible (7) - Lion
- 2024. 01. Animals from the Bible (1)
- Japan
- Kuwait
- Macau
- 1993. Main Post Office
- 1999. Bridge - Ponte 'Flor de Lotus' - INCM Imp. 99
- 2001. Bridge - Ponte 'Flor de Lótus' - REIMP 2000
- 2002. Poupança de energia (Energy saving) - JES Imp. 2002
- 2006. Poupança de energia (Energy saving) - JES REIMP 2006
- 2008. World Heritage JES Imp. 2008 - REIMP 2009 - REIMP 2013
- 2013. Lunar Year of the Snake (Ano Lunar da Cobra)
- 2014. Lunar Year of the Horse (Ano Lunar do Cavalo)
- 2015. Lunar Year of the Goat (Ano Lunar da Cabra)
- 2015. Old streets and alleys (Ruas e Ruelas antigas)
- 2016. Ano Lunar do Macaco (Lunar Year of the Monkey)
- 2016. Old streets (Ruas e Ruelas antigas) - JES REIMP 2016
- 2017. Ano Lunar do Galo (Lunar Year of the Rooster)
- 2018. 35 Exposição Internacional Asiática de Filatelia, Macau
- 2018. 35 Exposição Internacional Asiática de Filatelia, Macau
- 2018. 35 Exposição Internacional Asiática de Filatelia, Macau
- 2018. Ano Lunar do Cão (Lunar Year of the Dog)
- 2019. Ano Lunar do Porco (Lunar Year of the Pig)
- 2019. Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area
- 2020. Ano Lunar do Rato (Lunar Year of the Rat)
- 2020. Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area (Reprint REIMP 2020)
- 2021. Ano Lunar do Búfalo (Lunar Year of the Ox)
- 2022. Ano Lunar do Tigre (Lunar Year of the Tiger)
- 2023. Ano Lunar do Coelho (Lunar Year of the Rabbit)
- 2023. General Post Office - ePosting kiosks
- 2024. Ano Lunar do Dragão (Lunar Year of the Dragon)
- Variable value stamps and postage meters
- Malaysia
- Qatar
- Singapore
- 1988. Post emblem
- 1989. National symbol of Singapore - Lion Head
- 1990. Fullerton building
- 1991. Haw Par Villa
- 1992. Tricshaw
- 1994. Singapore skyline
- 1995. Orchids
- 1997. Sunny Singapore
- 2000. Healthy living
- 2003. Tourist attractions
- 2007. Garden City
- 2010. Destination Singapore
- 2013. City in a garden
- 2015. SG50 - Celebrating the Nation's Golden Jubilee
- 2017. General Post Office
- 2017. Singapore skyline
- 2018. iSAM definitive issue
- 2018. Postal Potpourri
- 2019. 100 Years of first Airmail
- 2019. Chinese New Year
- 2020. Year of the Rat
- 2021. Year of the Ox
- 2022. Year of the Tiger
- 2023. 165 Years - Making every delivery count since 1858
- 2023. Year of the Rabbit
- 2024. Otters
- 2024. Year of the Dragon
- 2025. Year of the Snake
- Variable rate stamps (1983-...)
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- 1995 Sun Yat-sen mausoleum
- 1996. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
- 2001. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
- 2004. Formosan Black Bear
- 2004. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX 2004
- 2005. Formosa Black Bear (2) - Back control number
- 2005. Formosan black bear (ATMs issued during ROCUPEX - Kaohsiung 2005)
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 International Stamp Exhibition
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - NAGLER issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503 issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - BLACK issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - BLUE issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - GREEN issues
- 2005. Formosan black bear - ROCUPEX Kaohsiung 2005 - VarioSyST 503a - RED issues
- 2005. TAIPEI 2005 - 18th Asian International Stamp Exhibition (Taisiantu - Cranes)
- 2006. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (2)
- 2006. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall - ROCUPEX 06 KINMEN
- 2006. TAIPEI 2005 (Taisiantu - Cranes) - Special SOGO 2006
- 2007. Formosa Black Bear (3) - INNOVISION
- 2007. Formosan black bear (2) - ROCUPEX 07 TAINAN
- 2007. Formosan black bear (2) - TAIPEI 2007
- 2008. Launch of the Cross-strait Mail Links
- 2008. Tung blossom - TAIPEI 2008
- 2009. Deaflympics Taipei 2009
- 2009. First Anniversary Cross-strait Direct Mail Services
- 2009. Tung blossoms (2)
- 2009. Tung blossoms (3)
- 2009. World Games 2009 Kaohsiung ROCUPEX
- 2010. Giant pandas (Tuan Tuan & Yuan Yuan - Taipei Zoo)
- 2010. Tung blossoms (4)
- 2011. Peonies, ancient Chinese painting
- 2011. ROCUPEX' 11 Taipei - Formosan sambar deer
- 2012 - 2021. ROCUPEX 12 - Fongshan Longshan Temple
- 2012. Auspicious dragon
- 2013. ROCUPEX 13 - Presidential Office Building
- 2013. Spiritual snake
- 2014. Gallant Horse (Year of the Horse)
- 2014. ROCUPEX' 14 Taichung - Plum blossom
- 2015. TAIPEI 2015 - Taiwan trout
- 2015. Year of the Sheep - Auspicious Sheep
- 2016. PHILATAIPEI 2016 World Stamp Exhibition - Blue magpie
- 2016. Year of the Monkey
- 2017. ROCUPEX 2017 Taichung - Sika deer
- 2017. The Year of the Rooster
- 2018. Formosan macaque - ROCUPEX 2018 Changhua
- 2018. Sika deer - Cross-strait Rare Stamps Exhibition
- 2018. The Year of the Dog
- 2019. 10th Anniversary of the Cross-strait Direct Mail Services
- 2019. Formosan serow - ROCUPEX 2019 Taipei
- 2019. The Year of the Pig (Rich Pig)
- 2020. The Year of the Rat (Money Rat)
- 2021. The Year of the Ox (Auspicious Ox)
- 2022. The Year of the Tiger (Lucky Tiger)
- 2023. Purple Crow Butterfly (TAIPEI 2023 39th Asian International Stamp Exhibition)
- 2023. The Chinese Zodiac
- 2023. The Year of the Rabbit (Bountiful Rabbit)
- 2024. Formosan macaque - ROCUPEX 2024 Taipei
- Variable value stamps / Postage labels
- Thailand
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- 07. EUROPE
- Åland
- 1984. Post emblem (1)
- 1988. Post emblem (2)
- 1989. Post emblem (3)
- 1990. Post emblem (4)
- 1993. Post emblem (5)
- 1995. Mare Balticum 1995
- 1996. Aland
- 1997. Mneme ship
- 1998. Walter Wilson figurehead
- 1999. Tarnan ship
- 2000. Sheep
- 2001. Cow
- 2002. Hen
- 2003. Berry
- 2004. Lingonberry
- 2005. Cloudberry
- 2006. Lilac
- 2007. Peonies
- 2008. Burnet rose
- 2009. Spar buoys (1)
- 2010. Spar buoys (2) - system A
- 2011. Spar buoys (3)
- 2012. Wooden duck decoys (1). Eider duck
- 2013. Wooden duck decoys (2). Long-tailed duck
- 2014. Wooden duck decoys (3). Velvet Scoter
- 2015. Beach finds (1) - Feather
- 2016. Beach finds (2) - Bottle
- 2017. Beach finds (3) - Old fishnet and cork floats
- 2018. Orchids
- 2019. Woodpeckers
- 2020. Wild flowers
- 2021. Songbirds
- 2022. A Century of willfulness
- 2023. Garden berries
- 2024. Metamorphosis (Pieris brassicae, Aglais urticae, Argynnis paphia, Callophrys rubi)
- Variable value stamps - Counter stamps
- Andorra (Principat d'Andorra - Correos - Correus Espanyols - Spanish Postal Administration)
- 1996. Green mountains with snow - Face value PTS
- 2001. Green mountains with snow - Face value EUR - €
- 2014. 'Single label' system
- 2021. Escultura contemporània de la CASS - Arcalís 91 (Contemporary sculpture)
- 2021. Museu Postal d'Andorra (Postal museum)
- 2023. Casa de la Vall & Festes populars. Falles del Solstici d'estiu
- 2023. Casa de la Vall & Festes populars. Falles del Solstici d'estiu - Special edition with graphics
- Other franking systems
- Andorra (Principat d'Andorra - Postes - La Poste - French Postal Administration)
- M.O.G. Brother (2021). Definitive issue White paper - LA POSTE FRANCE - ANDORRA LA VELLA 09-026
- M.O.G. Olivetti (2020). Definitive issue - Paper airplanes (dark paper) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- M.O.G. Olivetti (2021). Definitive issue - Paper airplanes (light paper) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (1988). Definitive issue - Comet
- MOG (1990). Definitive issue - Birds - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (2005). Definitive issue - Paper planes (I) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (2005). Definitive issue - Paper planes (II) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- MOG (2005). Definitive issue - Paper planes (III) - PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA
- SFS Frama (1984)
- Austria
- 1983-2001. Frama issues
- 2005. MozartPHILA
- 2006-2008. Winter landscape and children playing (Winter 1)
- 2006-2010. Tulips and Liverwort (Flowers 1)
- 2007. ProPostal definitive issue
- 2008. UEFA EURO 2008
- 2008. WIPA 08 (Wiener Internationale Postwertzeichen-Ausstellung)
- 2009. Snow crystals and Christmas market (Winter 2)
- 2010. Marguerite and water lily (Flowers 2)
- 2010. Winter landscape and angel (Winter 3)
- 2011. Gentiana and sunflower (Flowers 3)
- 2011. Winter landscape and gifts (Winter 4)
- 2012. Land of mountains (Land der Berge)
- 2012. Orchids and primroses (Flowers 4)
- 2012. Winter landscape and firs (Winter 5)
- 2013. Wild rose and bouquet (Flowers 5)
- 2013. Winter landscape and christmas decorations (Winter 6)
- 2014. Garden cosmos & flax flowers (Flowers - Summer 6)
- 2014. Winter landscape and village under snow (Winter 7)
- 2015. Daisy and crocus (Flowers - Summer 7)
- 2015. EUROVISION Song Contest Vienna 2015 - Building bridges
- 2015. Tables with gifts and Christmas cakes (Winter 8)
- 2016. Chapel and Christmas decoration (Winter 9)
- 2016. Fussball-EM 2016 (UEFA Euro 2016)
- 2016. Lilium and gentiana (Flowers - Summer 8)
- 2017. Bird's-eye primrose and fir (Flowers - Summer 9)
- 2017. Church & mistletoe (Winter 2017)
- 2018. Devil's-bit & Flowering rush (Flowers - Summer 10)
- 2018. Winter landscape & Nativity scene (Winter 2018)
- 2019. Dandelion & Forget-me-not (Flowers - Summer 2019)
- 2019. Mittelberg in winter & mistletoe (Winter 2019)
- 2020. Christmas cookies & sleigh ride (Winter 2020)
- 2020. Reservoirs - Speicher Kölnbrein & Schlegeis Stausee
- 2020. Water lily & tree blossoms (Flowers - Summer 2020)
- 2021. Erica & erodium (Flowers - Summer 2021)
- 2021. Sleigh & Christmas wreath (Christmas - Winter 2021)
- 2022. Snowy mountains & Ice skating (Christmas - Winter 2022)
- 2022. Sunflower & Rowan-berry (Flowers - Summer 2022)
- 2023. Snapdragon & Daffodil (Flowers - Summer 2023)
- 2023. Winter hut & snow landscape (Christmas - Winter 2023)
- 2024. Christmas tree bauble & winter landscape (Christmas - Winter 2024)
- 2024. Hiking & Thistles (Flowers - Summer 2024)
- 2025. Eyebright & Alpine lady's-mantle (Flowers - Summer 2025)
- Belgique - Belgium
- 1981-1984. FRAMA issues
- 1985-1989. FRAMA issues
- 1990-1994. FRAMA issues
- 1995-1999. FRAMA issues
- 2000-2002. FRAMA issues
- 2002. Definitive issue AMIEL
- 2004. PHILEURO 2004 Brussel Heizel - Bruxelles Heysel
- 2005. Brussel 1 - De Brouckere
- 2006. BELGICA'06 - Heysel 16-20/11/2006 Heizel
- 2007. EURO-PHILA 2007 - Maasmechelen
- 2007. New franking 29-09-2007 - Bruxelles Brussel (Fruits)
- 2007. Premio Massari - 9230 Wetteren - Edvard Grieg 1843-1907
- 2008. LUXPHILA 2008 Marche-en-Famenne (Luxembourg coat of arms)
- 2008. LUXPHILA 2008 Marche-en-Famenne (Smurfs)
- 2009. ANTVERPIA 2010
- 2009. Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers - Menen
- 2009. Vehicules postaux à travers le temps - Gent (Postal vehicles 1)
- 2010. ANTVERPIA 2010 (2)
- 2010. Birdpex Antwerp Expo - Bruxelles 1000 Brussel (Barn owl)
- 2010. La magie de / De magie van FOLON - La Hulpe
- 2010. Vehicules postaux à travers le temps - Saint-Mard (Postal vehicles 2)
- 2011. Balbuzard pecheur (Osprey) - Visarend - A. Buzin - 4031 Angleur
- 2011. De foor - La foire - Peer
- 2011. Europalia Brasil - Andenne
- 2011. Feest van de Postzegel - Fête du Timbre - Antwerpen (Postbox)
- 2011. Fishes (Poisson-clown à collier + Poisson-papillon jaune)
- 2011. Toulouse-Lautrec à Ixelles - in Elsene - 6000 Charleroi
- 2012. De Markt van Brugge - La Grand-Place de Bruges
- 2012. Franco Dragone - Louvière
- 2012. Le naufrage du Titanic - Hannut (Sinking of the Titanic)
- 2012. Maya calendar - Tongeren
- 2012. Zenobe Gramme - Temse
- Cyprus
- 1989. Ancient ships
- 1999. Cyprus mufflon (1)
- 1999. Cyprus mufflon (2)
- 1999. Cyprus mufflon (3)
- 2002. Wild flowers of Cyprus
- 2003. Post emblem (£)
- 2005. Spring (Apricot flower & poppy) (£)
- 2008. Post emblem (EUR)
- 2008. Spring (Apricot flower & poppy) (EUR)
- 2010. Cyprus moufflon (2010)
- Other frankings - Variable value stamps
- Czech Republic
- Denmark / Danemark
- 1990. Post emblem
- 1995. Post emblem (2)
- 1998. Post emblem (3)
- 1999. Bicycles
- 2000. Post motives (Letter, pen, letter box)
- 2001. Communication (Computer, laptop, mobile phone)
- 2002. Postal transport (Bicycle, van, truck)
- 2003. Letter (Mail by air, road and sea)
- 2004. Denmark images (1)
- 2005. Denmark Images (2) - Evening landscapes
- 2006. Denmark images (3) - cows, lighthouse & wind mills
- 2006. Denmark images (4)
- 2007. Denmark bridges (1)
- 2007. Denmark images (5) - Stone tombs
- 2008. Denmark bridges (2)
- 2008. Frimærkeforum 08 i Fredericia (Stamp Forum Fredericia)
- 2009. Danish Hydroelectricity - Watermills
- 2009. Frimærkeforum 09 i Roskilde (Cathedral)
- 2010. Danish landscapes
- 2010. Frimærkeforum 10 i Roskilde - Viking ship
- 2010. National Frimærkeudstilling i Hillerød 2010 - TAK'10
- 2011. Danish birds (1) - Ducks
- 2011. Michael Kvium / Horsens HOFI 2011
- 2012. Danish birds (2)
- 2012. NORDIA 2012 - Roskilde
- 2012. Roskilde Domkirke i aftenlys (Roskilde cathedral evening)
- 2013. NORDIA 2013 - Iceland (Northern lights, waterfall, horse)
- 2014. NORDIA 2014 - Norway (Preikestolen, Geiranger, Reindeers
- 2014. SYDFRIMEX 2014 - Mail boats (Vesta, Røret, IDA)
- 2015. CICE 2015 - China International Collection Expo
- 2015. Danish dog breeds
- 2015. NORDIA 2015 - Sweden (Kebnekaise, City Hall, cow elk)
- 2015. SILFI 2015 - Pleasure boats (Hjejlen - Hejren - Rylen)
- 2016. HALLFRIM 2016 - Halmstad (Castle, salmon, Tylösand)
- 2016. NANNING 2016 - Martin Mörck (Wuling, Shaolin, Jiayuguan)
- 2016. NORDIA 2016 - Finland (Sauna, Brown bear, Santa Claus)
- 2016. TAK16 - Birkerød (Postmen, church, Jægerhytten)
- 2017. CICE 2017 Nanjing
- 2017. FINLANDIA 2017 (flag, northern lights, Tampere)
- 2017. NORDIA 2017 - Vejle (Fjord bridge, umbrellas, Bølgen)
- Related to ATMs
- Estonia
- Faroe Islands
- 2008. Post
- 2009. Faroese Riddles
- 2010. Boat racing
- 2011. Old Faroese rhymes
- 2012. Føroyar Mítt Land (Faroe Islands, my country)
- 2013. Peter Troll (Trøllapætur)
- 2014. Faroese Stamps for 40 years
- 2015. Provisional stamps 1940-1941
- 2016. Faroese music festivals
- 2017. The Faroe Islands in Colours (1)
- 2017. The Faroe Islands in Colours (2) - NORDIA 2017 (IAR)
- 2018. Dogs - MACAU 2018
- 2018. Lighthouses of the Faroe Islands
- 2019. Coastal fishing
- 2019. Pigfarming in the Faroe Islands - Wuhan 2019
- 2020. Hay harvesting
- 2021. Storytellers
- 2022. Public transport (bus, passenger ferry 'Erla Kongsdóttir' & helicopter)
- 2023. Villages in Suðuroy (Froðba, Hov, Trongisvágur, Tvøroyri)
- 2024. Coastal fishing vessels
- Sets - Collections
- Finland
- 1982. Definitive issue (1)
- 1986. FINLANDIA 88
- 1988. Definitive issue (2)
- 1988. FINLANDIA 88 (2)
- 1989. Definitive issue (3)
- 1990. Definitive issue (4)
- 1990. Definitive issue (4) - nr.
- 1991. Dassault-Inter Marketing
- 1991. NORDJUNEX 91
- 1992. Dassault-Inter Marketing
- 1992. NORDIA 1993
- 1993. Definitive issue (5)
- 1993. Finlandia 95
- 1993. NORDIA 1993
- 1993. PK - PF
- 1994. Definitive issue (6)
- 1994. Eur. Champions. Athletics
- 1994. Finlandia 95
- 1994. Otter (Lutra lutra)
- 1994. PK - PF (2)
- 1995. Postimerkkikeskus
- 1995. Postimuseo - Post museum (1)
- 1995. Postimuseo - Post museum (2)
- 1995. Santa Claus Main Post Office
- 1995. Wolverine
- 1997. Flying squirrel
- 1997. Santa Claus main P.O. (1)
- 1999. Electric post auto
- 1999. Lesser Whitefront
- 1999. Posti museo - Postmuseum - Post vehicle 1911
- 1999. Santa Claus main P.O. (2)
- 2000. Reindeer
- 2002. Fire Fox
- 2002. Wolf
- 2003. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus)
- Other frankings - Variable value stamps
- France
- 1. Other frankings - MOG
- 1969. Issues MONTGERON
- 2021 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2021. 1. 69e Assemblée générale de PHILAPOSTEL La Tremblade Ronce-les-Bains 2021
- 2021. 0. Definitive issues - La Poste post offices & postal outlets
- 2021. 10. Carré d'Imprimerie de La Poste
- 2021. 2. 94e Congrès Fédération Française Associations Philatéliques - Valenciennes 2021
- 2021. 3. Exposition Internationale d'Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLV - Néris-les-Bains 2021
- 2021. 4. Salon de toutes les collections - Mulhouse 2021 (Napoleon)
- 2021. 5. 75 ans du Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2021 (Marianne de Béquet)
- 2021. 6. 75e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2021 (Marianne de Béquet)
- 2021. 7. 75 ans du Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris (Terres Australes Antarctiques Françaises)
- 2021. 8. é-max - Exposition philatélique - Ouistreham 2021
- 2021. 9. Musée de La Poste - Lettres de femmes (Women's letters)
- 2022 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2022. 0. Definitive issue 'Paper planes' - Self-service kiosk NAT
- 2022. 1. 70e Assemblée générale de PHILAPOSTEL Trégunc 2022
- 2022. 10. Jouez, Postez! - Musée de La Poste
- 2022. 2. PARIS PHILEX 2022 (100 ans du coin daté et de la Semeuse camée)
- 2022. 3. 95e Congrès F.F.A.P. Paris 2022 - Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris
- 2022. 4. Definitive issue LA POSTE
- 2022. 5. Exposition MARCOPHILEX XLVI - La Chapelle Royale de Versailles restaurée
- 2022. 6. Salon de Toutes les Collections - Mulhouse 2022
- 2022. 7. é-max Exposition philatélique - Moulins 2022 (Bridges)
- 2022. 8. 75e Salon Philatélique d’automne - Paris 2022 (Liberté de Gandon)
- 2022. 9. 75e Salon Philatélique d’Automne - Paris 2022 - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
- 2023 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2023. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Paris 2023 - Les catacombes de Paris
- 2023. 2. 71e Assemblée générale de PHILAPOSTEL Cap d'Agde 2023
- 2023. 4. Exposition Internationale Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLVII Épernay - Albert Deullin
- 2023. 5. Musée de La Poste - Nouvelles du Paradis. La carte postale de vacances
- 2023. 6. 76e Salon Philatélique d'Automne Paris - Liberté Égalité Fraternité (Marianne de l'Avenir)
- 2023. 7. 76e Salon Philatélique d'Automne Paris 2023 - Polynésie Française
- 2023. 0. Definitive issue LA POSTE
- 2023. 3. 96e congrès Fédération Française Associations Philatéliques Chalon-sur-Saône - 35e Montgolfiades
- 2024 - ATMs - Timbres de distributeur - Vignettes d'affranchissement LISA
- 2024. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Salon-de-Provence 2024
- 2024. 2. 72e Assemblée Générale de PHILAPOSTEL - Longeville-sur-Mer
- 2024. 3. PARIS-PHILEX 2024 (Havas type A, 1924 - Timbres Pasteur)
- 2024. 4. PARIS-PHILEX 2024 République d'Arménie (Yerevan Opera Theatre)
- 2024. 5. PARIS-PHILEX 2024 97è Congrès F.F.A.P. (Olympic sports)
- 2024. 6. MUSÉE DE LA POSTE - Marathon, la course du Messager - Exposition 2024
- 2024. 7. Exposition Internationale Histoire Postale - MARCOPHILEX XLVIII Périgueux 2024
- 2024. 8. Timbres Passion Châlons-en-Champagne 2024 (Circus, chess)
- 2024. 9. 77e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2024 (Marianne et l'Europe)
- 2024. 10. 77e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2024 - Wallis-et-Futuna
- 2024. 11. 1944-2024 80e anniversaire de la libération - La Poste de Yutz
- ATMs 1981-1999
- ATMs 2000
- ATMs 2001
- ATMs 2002
- 2002. 3ème Biennale Philatélique de Paris
- 2002. Definitive issue Birds (EUR)
- 2002. Féd. Française Ass. Philatéliques - 75 Congrès - Marseille
- 2002. Paper planes - IER LISA
- 2002. Paper planes - Monétel
- 2002. Paris - Rome. 56ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne
- 2002. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Nîmes - 2002
- ATMs 2003
- ATMs 2004
- 2004. 58 Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris-Athenes (Athens)
- 2004. 77e Congres Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - Paris
- 2004. Le Salon du timbre 2004 - Paris
- 2004. Paper planes 2 - IER LISA
- 2004. Paper planes 2 - Monétel
- 2004. Salon Philatélique Angers - 2004
- 2004. Salon Philatélique Printemps Clermont-Ferrand
- ATMs 2005
- ATMs 2006
- 2006. Bilatérale France - Allemagne - Nevers 2006
- 2006. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - 79 Congrès - Paris
- 2006. Le Salon du timbre & de l'écrit 2006 - Fruits
- 2006. Le Salon du timbre & de l'écrit 2006 - Mozart
- 2006. Paris - Vienne. 60 Salon Philatélique Automne
- 2006. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Dijon 2006
- ATMs 2007
- 2007. 61e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2007
- 2007. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatél. - 80 Congres - Poitiers
- 2007. Fête du timbre - Harry Potter
- 2007. Mâcon 2007 - Championnat Philatélique Interrégional
- 2007. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Limoges 2007
- 2007. Timbres Passion 2007 - Dole (Louis Pasteur)
- ATMs 2008
- 2008. 62e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2008
- 2008. Bicentenaire de Guignol - Lyon
- 2008. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - 81 Congres - París
- 2008. Le Salon du Timbre et de l'écrit - Paris 2008 (Circus)
- 2008. Le Salon du Timbre et de l'écrit - Paris 2008 (Landmarks)
- 2008. Paper planes 2 - IER LISA
- ATMs 2009
- 2009. 63 Salon Philatélique Automne - Henry Dunant - Red Cross
- 2009. 63 Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Portugal
- 2009. 82 Congrès Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - Tarbes
- 2009. Eugène Vaillé fondateur du Musée Postal - Poitiers
- 2009. Exposition Philatélique Interrégionale - Raedersheim 2009
- 2009. L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste
- 2009. Paris Tour Eiffel
- 2009. René 1er Anjou 1409-1480
- 2009. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Mâcon 2009
- ATMs 2010
- 2010. 2e Salon Club Philatélique Elysée - Eugène Delacroix
- 2010. 64e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2010 - Russia
- 2010. Féd. Française Assoc. Philatéliques - 83 Congrès - Paris
- 2010. Jeunesse Collections Passion - Villeneuve-sur-Lot
- 2010. Joyaux philatéliques Afrique, Île Maurice et Réunion
- 2010. L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste - Breguet XIV
- 2010. Le Salon du Timbre - Paris 2010 - Moulin (Watermill)
- 2010. Le Salon du Timbre Paris (Tour Eiffel, Pont Alexandre III)
- 2010. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Colmar 2010
- 2010. Un siècle de marins du ciel - 1910-2010
- ATMs 2011
- 2011. 59e Assemblée Générale de Philapostel - Trégunc 2011
- 2011. 65 Salon Philatélique Automne - Stamps
- 2011. 65e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2011 - London
- 2011. 66 Congres Groupement Philatélique Centre-Ouest - Cognac
- 2011. 84 Congres FFAP - 100 ans hôtel des Postes - Metz
- 2011. Championat Philat. Interrégional - Montlouis-sur-Loire
- 2011. Facteur rural - L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2011. Journées Européennes du Patrimoine - Aix-en-Provence 2011
- 2011. La Lettre Verte
- 2011. Nils-Udo NATURE - L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2011. Paper planes - IER NABUCCO
- 2011. Paper planes - WINCOR NIXDORF
- 2011. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Angers 2011
- ATMs 2012
- 2012. 30 Congres GAPHIL - Presse à bras XIX siècle
- 2012. 60 Assemblée Générale Philapostel - Arêches 2012
- 2012. 66e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris (Sant Esteve Andorra - Sacré-Coeur Paris)
- 2012. 66e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris (Stamps Andorra - Sant Joan de Caselles)
- 2012. 85 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Musée d'Orsay
- 2012. Fête internationale de la mer et et des marins - Brest
- 2012. Fourgon électrique Mildé - L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2012. Gleizes-Metzinger. L'Adresse Musée de La Poste
- 2012. L'Hermione la coque est à flot - Rochefort 2012
- 2012. Le Salon du Timbre - Paris 2012 (French rulers)
- 2012. Marcophilex XXXVI Epernay
- 2012. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Épernay 2012
- 2012. Salon Timbre - Amitié franco-américaine
- 2012. Timbres Passion 2012 - Belfort
- ATMs 2013
- 61 Assemblée Générale de Philapostel - Bussang 2013
- 67e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2013 - Denmark
- 67e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2013 - Marianne
- Amiens 2013 86 Congrès Fédération française assoc. philatéliques
- Chaissac - Dubufet, entre plume et pinceau - L'Adresse
- Championnat Philatélique Interrégional - Rezé 2013
- L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste, 40 ans au boulevard Vaugirard Paris
- Le Cornouaille - Quimper 2013
- MARCOPHILEX XXXVII - Ouistreham 2013
- Museum de Bourges 2013 - Planète chauve-souris
- Salon Philatélique de printemps - Mâcon 2013
- ATMs 2014
- 2014. 1. Clermont-Ferrand - Salon philatélique printemps 2014
- 2014. 2. Timbres Passion - Poitiers 2014
- 2014. 3. 62e Assemblée Générale PHILAPOSTEL - MUROL 2014
- 2014. 4. L'art fait ventre - L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste
- 2014. 68e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - 3 ans Lettre Verte
- 2014. 68e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2014 - Slovakia
- 2014. 87 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Institut France
- 2014. Ex-Voto - Faites vos voeux ! - L'ADRESSE Musée de La Poste
- 2014. MARCOPHILEX XXXVIII Uzès 2014 - Le Pont du Gard
- 2014. Salon Planète Timbres Paris 2014 (1st World War)
- 2014. Salon Planète Timbres Paris 2014 (Château Vincennes, Zoo)
- ATMs 2015
- 2015. 1. Salon Philatélique Printemps - 1515 Bataille Marignan
- 2015. 2. L'ADRESSE Musée de la Poste - Old postboxes (1)
- 2015. 5. L'ADRESSE Musée de la Poste - Old letter boxes (2)
- 2015. 6. MARCOPHILEX XXXIX - Auvers-sur-Oise
- 2015. 7. 69e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2015 - Canada
- 2015. 8. 69e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - 1945 La Libération
- 2015. 3. 88 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Mâcon 2015
- 2015. 4. 63e Assemblée G. Philapostel - La Londe-les-Maures 2015
- 2015. Definitive issue NABANCO (White paper)
- ATMs 2016
- 2016. 1. Paper planes - NABANCO imprint
- 2016. 2. Déclenchement de la bataille de Verdun 21 fevrier 1916
- 2016. 3. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Belfort 2016
- 2016. 4. Paris-Philex 2016
- 2016. 5. 89e Congrès Féd. Fr. As. Philatéliques - Place Vosges
- 2016. 6. Museum de Bourges 2016 - Les abeilles
- 2016. 7. 64e Assemblée Générale Philapostel - St-Denis-d'Oléron
- 2016. 8. Musée de La Poste - 2016 - 70e Anniversaire
- 2016. 9. Wincor Nixdorf NABUCCO - New imprint
- 2016. 10. Fêtes Maritimes Internationales - Brest 2016
- 2016. 11. Paper planes (reprinting)
- 2016. 12. MARCOPHILEX XL Jurançon 2016
- 2016. 13. TIMBRES PASSION - TOUL 2016
- 2016. 14. 1916-2016 Centenaire Bataille Verdun Reprise des Forts
- 2016. 15. 70e Salon Philatélique Automne Paris 2016. Netherlands
- 2016. 16. 70e Salon Philatélique Automne - Paris 2016. Sage
- ATMs 2017
- 2017. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Paris - Montmartre
- 2017. 2. 90 Congrès Féd. Fr. Assoc. Philatéliques - Cholet 2017
- 2017. 3. Société Nationale Sauvetage en Mer - 50e anniversaire
- 2017. 4. 65e Assemblée PHILAPOSTEL - Longeville-sur-Mer 2017
- 2017. 5. Centenaire de l'entrée en Guerre des États-Unis
- 2017. 6. Exposition Philatélique Int. Croix-Rouge - Saint-Louis
- 2017. 7. Definitive issue, white paper - Postal counters
- 2017. 8. Exposition Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLI Issoire
- 2017. 9. L'ADRESSE Musée de la Poste - Post boxes (3)
- 2017. 10. 71e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2017. Berlin
- 2017. 11. 71e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Paris 2017. Sabine
- ATMs 2018
- 2018. 1. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Sorgues 2018
- 2018. 2. 66e Assemblée Générale Philapostel - Lacanau 2018
- 2018. 3. 90e Anniversaire de l'Académie de Philatélie
- 2018. 4. 91e Congrès Féd. Française Associations Philatéliques
- 2018. 5. Paris Philex 2018
- 2018. 6. Mémoire Transfrontalière Verdun - Bastogne 2018
- 2018. 7. Exposition philatélique é-max Valenciennes 2018
- 2018. 8. Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, Saint-Malo
- 2018. 9. Timbres Passion - Périgueux 2018
- 2018. 10. Saint Désiré, Patron vaguemestres - Musée de La Poste
- 2018. 11. 72e Salon Philatélique Automne - Paris 2018 (Marianne)
- 2018. 12. 72e Salon Philatélique Automne - Paris 2018 (Croatia)
- 2018. 13. Expo. Int. Histoire Postale MARCOPHILEX XLII Vertou
- 2018. 20. Definitive issue, white paper (1) - CALISE kiosk
- 2018. 21. Definitive issue, white paper (2) - CALISE kiosk
- 2018. 22. Definitive issue Paper planes - IER LISA 2 kiosk
- 2018. 23. Definitive issue Paper planes - IER NABUCCO kiosk
- 2018. 24. Definitive issue Paper planes - Wincor Nixdorf NABUCCO
- ATMs 2019
- 2019. 1. 56 Salon International de l'Agriculture - Paris 2019
- 2019. 2. Salon Philatélique Printemps - Fontaine Saint-Michel
- 2019. 3. 67e Assemblée Générale de PHILAPOSTEL - Bussang
- 2019. 4. 92 Congrès Féd. Fr. Ass. Philatéliques - Montpellier
- 2019. 5. Exposition MARCOPHILEX XLIII Montrond-les-Bains
- 2019. 6. Salon de toutes les collections Mulhouse (Concorde)
- 2019. 7. 73e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Cérès
- 2019. 8. 73e Salon Philatélique d'Automne - Jersey
- 2019. 9. Musée de La Poste - Facteur à Bicyclette, vers 1950
- 2019. X. Definitive issue - Paper planes
- 2019. 10. é-max Exposition philatélique Vélizy-Villacoublay 2019
- ATMs 2020
- 2020. 1. 57 Salon International de l'Agriculture - Paris 2020
- 2020. 2. Salon Philatélique de Printemps - Dole 2020
- 2020. 3. Exposition MARCOPHILEX XLIV Monéteau 2020
- 2020. 4. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
- 2020. 5. Imprimerie de La Poste - 50 Ans Gravés dans l'Histoire
- 2020. 6. 93 Congrès Féd. Fr. Ass. Philatéliques -Palais Galliera
- Issues FRAMA - Variable value stamps
- Germany - Berlin
- Germany / Deutschland
- 1981. Post emblem (1)
- 1993. Schloss Sanssouci
- 1999. Post emblem (2)
- 2002. Letter box
- 2008. Brandenburger Tor (Brandenburg Gate) + Post Tower, Bonn
- 2017. Sending and receiving letters
- 2019. Sending letters (Automatenmarken ATM Briefe schreiben) - New experimental kiosk
- 2021. DHL Post stations
- 2022. DHL Post stations
- Gibraltar
- 2015 - 2016. Christmas 2015 (Christmas tree and deer - reindeer)
- 2015 - 2016. Post & Go - Flag of Gibraltar
- 2016 - 2017. Post & Go - Gibraltar monkeys
- 2016. Post & Go - The Year of the Monkey
- 2017. Freemasonry in Gibraltar
- 2017. Post & Go - The Year of the Rooster
- 2017. SWISS POST - Tourist mail
- 2018. CCPA (Conference of Commonwealth Postal Administrations)
- 2018. Post & Go - The Year of the Dog
- 2019. 50th Anniversary of the APOLLO 11 Moon landing
- 2019. Post & Go - The Year of the Pig
- 2020. Post & Go - Christmas tree (Christmas 2020)
- 2020. Post & Go - Flag of Gibraltar (VE Day 75th)
- 2020. Post & Go - The Year of the Rat
- 2021. EUROPA Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
- 2021. Post & Go - The Year of the Ox
- 2022. Post & Go - EUROPA 2022 'Stories & Myths' - The Pillars of Hercules
- 2022. Post & Go - The Year of the Tiger
- 2023. Post & Go - EUROPA 2023 Peace
- 2023. Post & Go - The Year of the Rabbit
- 2024. Post & Go - EUROPA Underwater Fauna & Flora - Orca
- 2024. Post & Go - The Year of the Dragon
- Greece
- Greenland - Grønland
- 2009. Post
- 2011. Greenlandic fauna
- 2014. Greenlandic scenery
- 2016. Greenlandic scenery (2)
- 2017. Greenlandic scenery (3)
- 2018. Greenlandic scenery (4)
- 2019. Polar bears
- 2020. Greenlandic sled dog puppies
- 2021. Greenlandic seals
- 2022. Greenlandic walruses
- 2023. White-tailed Eagles in Greenland
- 2024. Arctic foxes
- Sets - Collections
- Guernsey
- 2015 - 2023. Post & Go - Guernsey flag
- 2016. Post & Go - Bailiwick life - Guernsey animals
- 2017. Post & Go - Guernsey Bailiwick lighthouses
- 2018. Post & Go - Guernsey Bailiwick flowers
- 2019. Post & Go - 50th Anniversary of the Guernsey Old Car Club
- 2020. Post & Go - Bailiwick Fishing Boats
- 2021. Post & Go - Bailiwick Planes
- 2022. Post & Go - Bailiwick cuisine
- 2023. Post & Go - Visiting Cruise Ships
- 2024. Post & Go. Guernsey Coat of Arms
- Variable value stamps - EPOs
- Iceland - Island
- Ireland
- 1990. Amiel issue
- 1990. Frama issue (1)
- 1990. Klüssendorf issue
- 1992. Frama issue (2)
- 2008. Inland waterways
- 2010. Christmas
- 2010. Irish animals and marine life (1)
- 2010. Wild flowers of Ireland
- 2011. Christmas
- 2011. Irish animals and marine life (2)
- 2012. Christmas
- 2012. Irish animals and marine life (3)
- 2013. Christmas
- 2013. Irish animals and marine life (4)
- 2014. Christmas
- 2014. Irish animals and marine life (5)
- 2015. Christmas
- 2016. 1916 - 2016, centenary of the Easter Rising
- 2016. Christmas
- 2017. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (1)
- 2017. Christmas
- 2018. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (2)
- 2018. Irish life and culture
- 2019. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (3.1)
- 2019. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (3.2)
- 2020. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (4)
- 2022. 100 Years of Art on a Stamp
- 2023. 100 Years of Art on a Stamp - 2nd series / Phase II
- 2023. Special 'STAMPA 2023'
- 2024. Special 'STAMPA 2024'
- Variable value stamps
- Isle of Man
- 2010 - 2017. Logotype (postal counter)
- 2010 - 2017. Logotype (postal kiosk)
- 2017. Triskelion - Three Legs of Man
- 2018. 125th Anniversary Manx Electric Railway
- 2018. A Beano Christmas 2018
- 2019. Christmas cards
- 2019. Isle of Man Wildlife
- 2020. Carry Us Through (Coronavirus - COVID-19)
- 2020. The Story of the Nativity
- 2021. Thomas & friends at Christmas
- 2022. H M Queen Elizabeth II - 70th Anniversary of the Accession to the Throne
- 2022. Manx winter
- 2023. Manx Winter Wildlife
- 2024. Maurice Gibb
- 2024. Nollick Ghennal - Victorian Christmas - Father Christmas (Santa Claus)
- Jersey
- 2009. Definitive issue (1)
- 2010. Definitive issue (2)
- 2013. Jersey Post logo
- 2014 - 2023. Post&Go - Jersey flag
- 2014. Jersey post logo (2)
- 2015. Jersey Post logo - POSTAGE PAID
- 2015. Protected species
- 2016-2022. Post & Go - The Crest of Jersey - The coat of arms
- 2016. Post & Go - Beetles
- 2017. Post & Go - Fruits and berries
- 2017. Post & Go - Shells
- 2018. Post & Go - Nautical Knots
- 2018. Post & Go - Visiting Naval Vessels
- 2019. Post & Go - Durrell: Saving Primates
- 2020. Post & Go - Jersey Coastal Flowers
- 2021. Post & Go - Coastal Towers
- 2022. Post & Go - Harvest of the sea
- 2023. Post & Go - Jersey Farm Animals
- 2023. The Crest of Jersey (2 - Royal cypher King Charles III)
- 2024. Jersey flag (2 - King Charles III royal cypher) - Post&Go
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- 1983. Definitive issue Frama (1)
- 1992. Definitive issue (2 - POSTES 14.50 mm.)
- 1992. Definitive issue (3 - POSTES 18 mm.)
- 1997. Wind rose
- 1998. JUVALUX 98
- 2012. Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
- 2014. Coat of arms of Luxembourg
- 2018. X - Luxembourg's Signature
- 2021. Vieux Luxembourg (Old Luxembourg)
- 2024. Fielser schlass (Château de Larochette)
- Variable rate stamps
- Malta
- Monaco
- Netherlands
- 1989. Klüssendorf issue
- 1996. Frama - Nagler - Hytech
- 2006. TNT Post - Wincor PK
- 2006. TNT Post - Wincor TNT
- 2008. TNT Post - aCon TNT
- 2008. TNT Post - Gunnebo WL
- 2017. Butterflies (Plebejus argus) + Tulips (Tulipa Jannekes O.)
- 2017. NL00
- 2017. NL01 Eindejaarsbeurs 2017
- 2017. NL01 Essen 2017
- 2017. NL01 Hilversum 2017
- 2017. NL01 Multilaterale 2017
- 2017. NL01 Postex 2017
- 2017. NL02 + NL02 Bussum
- 2017. NL02 Den Haag THS
- 2017. NL03 + NL03 Den Haag
- 2018. NL01 Hilversum 2018
- 2018. NL01 Postaumaat 45 jaar
- 2018. NL01 Postex 2018
- 2019. NL01 + NL02 + NL03 Hilversum 2019 Laatste editie
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (Euro, the currency of Europe)
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) Crouzet BLACK
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) - Amiel BLACK
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) - Amiel BLUE
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) - SMD BLUE
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (European currency) NewVision BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (European Football Championship)
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Amiel BLACK
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Amiel BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Crouzet BLACK
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - Crouzet BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - NewVision BLUE
- 2003. UEFA Euro 2004 (Football Championship) - SMD BLUE
- 2004. 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - AMIEL BLACK
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - AMIEL BLUE
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - CROUZET BLACK
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - CROUZET BLUE
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - NEWVISION BLUE
- 10º Aniversário Ano Internacional da Família - SMD BLUE
- 2004. Kinas (Mascot of the 2004 UEFA European Championship)
- 2005. Animais Domésticos (Pets - Cavy, dog, cat, grey parrot)
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - AMIEL BLACK - Cavy & dog
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - AMIEL BLUE - Cavy & dog
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - Crouzet BLACK - Cat & Grey parrot
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - Crouzet BLUE - Cat & Grey parrot
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - NewVision BLUE - Cavy & dog
- Animais domésticos (Pets) - SMD BLUE - Cavy & dog
- 2005. Perca peso, ganhe Coraçao - Fund. Portuguesa Cardiologia
- 2006. Alternative energies (Solar energy and wind power)
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA (HIV / AIDS)
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - Amiel BLUE
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - Crouzet BLACK
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - Crouzet BLUE
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - NewVision BLUE
- 2006. Defende a vida, Faz o teste do VIH / SIDA - SMD BLUE
- 2007. Crianças em risco (Children at risk)
- 2007. European Year of Equal Opportunities for All
- 2007 European Year Equal Opportunities for All - CROUZET BLACK
- 2007 European Year Equal Opportunities for All - NEWVISION BLACK
- 2007 European Year Equal Opportunities for All - NEWVISION BLUE
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - AMIEL BLUE
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - CROUZET BLUE
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - SMD BLACK
- 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - SMD BLUE
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português Sangue, IP (Blood Institute)
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Amiel BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Amiel BLUE
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Crouzet BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - Crouzet BLUE
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português do Sangue, IP - SMD BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português Sangue, IP - NewVision BLACK
- 2008. 50 Anos Instituto Português Sangue, IP - NewVision BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional do Voluntariado nos Bombeiros
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Amiel BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Amiel BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Crouzet BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - Crouzet BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - NewVision BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - NewVision BLUE
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - SMD BLACK
- 2008. Ano Nacional Voluntariado Bombeiros - SMD BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food)
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Amiel BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Amiel BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Crouzet BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - Crouzet BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - NewVision BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - NewVision BLUE
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - SMD BLACK
- 2009. Alimentação saudável (Healthy Food) - SMD BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling)
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Amiel BLACK
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Amiel BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Crouzet BLACK
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - Crouzet BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - NewVision BLACK
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - NewVision BLUE
- 2009. Reciclagem (Recycling) - SMD BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - Amiel BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - Amiel BLUE
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - Crouzet BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - NewVision BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - SMD BLACK
- 2010. Compro o que é nosso. Made in Portugal - SMD BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Amiel BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Amiel BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Crouzet BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - Crouzet BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - NewVision BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - NewVision BLUE
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - SMD BLACK
- 2010. European Year Poverty & Social Exclusion - SMD BLUE
- 2011. 112 European Emergency Number
- 2011. Ano Europeu do Voluntariado (European Year Volunteering)
- 2011. Estação do futuro - Postal kiosks
- 2012. International Year Cooperatives
- 2012. International Year of Sustainable Energy for All
- 2013. Ano Europeu dos Cidadãos (European Year of Citizens)
- 2013. Cruz Vermelha, 150 anos de ação humanitária (Red Cross)
- 2014. 35 Aniversário Serviço Nacional Saúde (Health Service)
- 2014. Eleições europeias 2014 (European elections 2014)
- 2015. Dinosaurs (Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Torvosaurus)
- 2015. Programa Nacional de Vacinação - 50 Anos (Vaccination)
- 2016. Ano Internacional do Entendimento Global (Understanding)
- 2016. Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (Portuguese Cancer League)
- 2017. Ano Internacional Turismo sustentável (Sustainable tourism
- 2017. Borboletas de Portugal (Moths of Portugal)
- 2018. Borboletas de Portugal II (Moths of Portugal)
- 2018. Nitrogénio, nem demais nem de menos (Nitrogen)
- 2019. Dê Sangue - Instituto Português Sangue e Transplantação
- 2019. Nudibrânquios (Nudibranchs)
- 2020. Salvamentos no Mediterrâneo (Rescue in the Mediterranean)
- 2020. Sinais de Crianças Expostas - Santa Casa Misericórdia
- 2021. Ano Internacional da Paz e da Confiança (International Year of Peace and Trust)
- 2021. Dia Mundial da Tuberculose (World Tuberculosis Day)
- 2022. Ano Internacional da Pesca e da Aquicultura Artesanais IYAFA2022 (Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture)
- 2022. International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development IYBSSD 2022
- 2023. 125 Anos Aquário Vasco da Gama. Onde o mergulho Começa!
- 2023. Sustentabilidade - Compromisso ambiental, social, de proximidade (Sustainability)
- 2024. 100 Anos da Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (World Organisation for Animal Health)
- 2024. Bombeiros de Portugal (Firefighters)
- ATM issues 1981 - 2002
- 1981. Frama issue
- 1990. Post logo
- 1991. ESPIGUEIRO, Norte de Portugal (1)
- 1992. Caravela portuguesa séc XVI (1st imprint)
- 1992. Ciclista, brinquedo popular (Cyclist, popular toy)
- 1992. ESPIGUEIRO, Norte de Portugal (2)
- 1993. Nau Portuguesa Séc. XVI
- 1995. Auto-ambulância 'Volkswagen', década de 1950
- 1995. Caravela portuguesa séc XVI (2nd imprint)
- 1995. Galeao Portugués Sec. XVI (Portuguese Galleon)
- 1995. GALINHAS, Brinquedo Popular (1) - No dots
- 1995. GALINHAS, Brinquedo Popular (2) - DOTS
- 1996. GALINHAS, Brinquedo Popular (Paper Litho Formas)
- 1996. PASSARINHO Brinquedo Popular
- 1997. Galeao portugues (INCM)
- 1997. PORTUGAL 98 Lisboa - Exposição Internacional Filatelia
- 1997. PORTUGAL 98 Lisboa - Exposição Internacional Filatelia
- 1998. EXPO 98
- 1998. Museu das Comunicações
- 1999. Dinossaurios em Portugal (Dinosaurs in Portugal)
- 1999. O Amolador
- 2000. Flamingo comum (Phoenicopterus roseus)
- 2000. Marrequinho
- Franquias / Postage labels
- 2002. Euro, a moeda da Europa (Euro, the currency of Europe)
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Sverige
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- 1984. Frama issue
- 2008 - 2015. Post&Go issues
- 2008 - 2015. Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) - Original edition
- 2008. Post&Go - Wincor Nixdorf issues (1)
- 2010. Post&Go - Wincor Nixdorf issues (2)
- 2011 - 2012. Hytech issues
- 2011. Hytech - Special imprint 'Arnold Machin 1911-1999'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Diamond Jubilee 1952-2012'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Perth 2012'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint '84th Scottish Congress 2013'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 World Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'The Coronation 60th Anniversary'
- 2014. Hytech - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Postage Due 1914'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'PhilaKorea 2014 World Stamp Expo'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'The B.P.M.A. Inland Airmail 1934'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint '85th Scottish Congress 2014'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Stampex 2014 19-22 February'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The NMRN'
- 2014. NCR issues
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Paris November 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Queen Elizabeth II Longest Reign'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Sindelfingen October 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint '86th Scottish Congress 2015'
- 2009 - ... Horizon labels - Machin
- 2010. Birds of Britain (1)
- 2011. Birds of Britain (2)
- 2011. Birds of Britain (3)
- 2011. Birds of Britain (4)
- 2012-2015. Union flag
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Diamond Jubilee 1952-2012'
- 2012. Hytech - Special imprint 'Perth 2012'
- 2012. Hytech issues
- 2012. Post&Go - Wincor Nixdorf issues
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint '84th Scottish Congress 2013'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'Australia 2013 World Stamp Expo'
- 2013. Hytech - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. Hytech + IAR - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Postage Due 1914'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'PhilaKorea 2014 World Stamp Expo'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint '85th Scottish Congress 2014'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special impr. 'Jersey Post HQ' (Jersey)
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'Broad Street' (Jersey)
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The NMRN'
- 2014. Intelligent AR Limited issues
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Envoy House'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Fleet Air Arm'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Hong Kong November 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Paris November 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'RN Submarine'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Marines Trafalgar Day'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Marines'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Navy Trafalgar Day'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Navy'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Sindelfingen October 2015'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Singpex 2015 World Stamp Expo'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'STEAM GWR' (Great Western Railway)
- 2015. Intelligent AR - 'Spring Stampex February 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint '86th Scottish Congress 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Gibraltar House'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Messe Essen 7-9 May 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The FAAM V.E. Day 70'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The NMRN V.E. Day 70'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The RMM V.E. Day 70'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The RNSM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The FAAM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The RMM'
- Special imprints
- 2012. British farm animals (1) - Sheep
- 2012. British farm animals (2) - Pigs
- 2012. British farm animals (3) - Cattle
- 2012. Robin (Christmas) - Paper MA12
- 2013-2014. Robin (Christmas) - Paper MA13
- 2013-2015. Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) - Paper MA13
- 2013. Hytech issues
- 2013. Post&Go issues - Wincor Nixdorf
- 2014-2015. Intelligent AR issues
- 2014. Hytech + IAR - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Postage Due 1914'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Impr. 'PhilaKorea 2014 World Stamp Expo'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint '85th Scottish Congress 2014'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Stampex 2014 19-22 February'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Stampex Spring 19-22 February'
- 2014. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The B.P.M.A.'
- 2014. NCR issues
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Europhilex London Penny Black 175'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Fleet Air Arm' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'RN Submarine' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Marines' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Royal Navy' + logo
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'Singpex 2015 World Stamp Expo'
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'STEAM GWR' (Great Western Railway)
- 2015. IAR - Imprint 'The RNSM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint '86th Scottish Congress 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'Messe Essen 7-9 May 2015'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The B.P.M.A. Penny Black 175'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Imprint 'The NMRN'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special impr. 'The B.P.M.A. Trollope 200'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The FAAM'
- 2015. Intelligent AR - Special imprint 'The RMM'
- 2013. Freshwater life (1) - Ponds
- 2013. Freshwater life (2) - Lakes
- 2013. Freshwater life (3) - Rivers
- 2013. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA12
- 2013. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA13
- 2013. Union Flag - Paper MA13
- 2014. British flora (1) - Spring blooms
- 2014. British flora (II) - Symbolic flowers
- 2014. British fora (III) - Winter greenery
- 2014. Common Poppy
- 2014. Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) - Papel MA14
- 2014. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA14
- 2015. Common Poppy - Paper MA15
- 2015. Heraldic Beasts
- 2015. Hong Kong (Sea Travel)
- 2015. Lion (Heraldic Beasts)
- 2015. Queen Elizabeth II - Machin 2nd Class - Paper MA15
- 2015. Royal Mail - Enquiry offices
- 2015. Sea Travel
- 2015. Winter Fur and Feathers
- 2015. Working sail
- 2023. Horizon labels - King Charles III
- Issues 2016
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- 2016. Post & Go - 87th Scottish Congress Perth
- 2016. Post & Go - Autumn Stampex 2016
- 2016. Post & Go - British Forces Post Office Northolt
- 2016. Post & Go - New York World Stamp Show NY2016
- 2016. Post & Go - Political party conferences
- 2016. Post & Go - Royal Navy Museums
- 2016. Post & Go - Spring Stampex 2016
- 2016. Post & Go - STEAM GWR
- 2016. Post & Go - The Postal Museum
- Classification by postage label designs
- 2016. Common Poppy - MA15
- 2016. Common Poppy - MA16
- 2016. Hibernating Animals
- 2016. Ladybirds
- 2016. Lion (Heraldic Lion)
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - MA13
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - MA15
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - MA16
- 2016. Machin (1st Class) - Original design, undated
- 2016. Machin (2nd Class) - MA12
- 2016. Machin 2nd Class - MA16
- 2016. Mail coach, 1790s
- 2016. New York (Sea Travel series)
- 2016. Royal Mail Heritage - Transport
- 2016. Travelling Post Office, 1890s - Locomotive
- 2016. Union flag
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- Issues 2017
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- 2017. Post & Go - 88th Scottish Congress Perth
- 2017. Post & Go - A001 The Postal Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A002 National Museum Royal Navy Portsmouth
- 2017. Post & Go - A003 Fleet Air Arm Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A004 Royal Navy Submarine Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A005 East Anglian Railway Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A006 HMS Trincomalee
- 2017. Post & Go - A007 Explosion! Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - A009 Shakespeare Gift Shop
- 2017. Post & Go - A010 STEAM GWR
- 2017. Post & Go - A011 Royal Signals Museum
- 2017. Post & Go - Autumn Stampex 2017
- 2017. Post & Go - M007 Political party Conferences
- 2017. Post & Go - M011 Ministry of Defence (MOD Abbey Wood)
- 2017. Post & Go - Spring Stampex 2017
- Classification by postage label designs
- 2017. British flora (II) - Symbolic flowers
- 2017. Common Poppy
- 2017. Lion (Heraldic Lion)
- 2017. Machin (1st Class)
- 2017. Machin (1st Class) - MA13
- 2017. Machin (1st Class) - MA14
- 2017. Machin (1st Class) - MA15
- 2017. Machin (2nd Class)
- 2017. Machin 1st Class (Edition 2016)
- 2017. Machin Anniversary 1967-2017
- 2017. Mail coach, 1790s
- 2017. Post Office (London) Railway
- 2017. Royal Mail Heritage: Mail by Air
- 2017. Royal Mail Heritage: Mail by Rail
- 2017. Spear Thistle
- 2017. Travelling Post Office, 1890s
- 2017. Union flag
- 2017. Winter Greenery (Edition 2017)
- Classification by kiosks and/or events
- Issues 2018
- Issues 2019
- PC Stamps
- UK - Issues 2020
- UK - Issues 2021
- UK - Issues 2022
- UK - Issues 2023
- Vatican City
- Yugoslavia
- Åland
- Australia
- 1984. Definitive issue
- 1985. Kangaroos
- 1986. Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
- 1987. Echidna
- 1988. Common ringtail possum
- 1989. Lizard
- 1990. Koala
- 1992. Emu
- 1993. Threatened species
- 1994. Kangaroos and koalas
- 1994. Waratah flower
- 1996. Festive Frama
- 1999. Aboriginal art
- 2000. Farewell Frama
- 2011. Definitive issue - Postal kiosks
- Other franking labels and stamps
- French Polynesia
- New Caledonia
- 2002. Tropical landscape - Face value CFP - black imprint
- 2002. Tropical landscape - Face value CFP - violet imprint
- 2002. Tropical landscape - Face value F - black imprint
- 2003. Tropical landscape - Text NLLE CALEDONIE - Black imprint
- 2003. Tropical landscape - Text NLLE CALEDONIE - Violet imprint
- Variable rate stamps / Counter stamps (1980 - ...)
- New Zealand
- Norfolk
- Papua New Guinea
- Pitcairn Islands
- Australia
- 09. Classified by TOPIC
- 10. TEST / SAMPLE issues
- 11. Maximum cards / Maxicards
- 12. Lots & collections - Kiloware
- ByPost
- CITY POST International Post Services
- CORREOS - Tourist channel
- Hispapost
- IFCC - International First Class Courier SL
- La Postal SPU
- Local private postal operators
- Non-identified postal operators (Maltapost PLC)
- OPENMAIL (Portugal)
- Post By Me
- SWISS POST INTERNATIONAL (Spain - Gibraltar - Italy)
- 14. Stamp collecting accessories
- 15. Catalogues and ATEEME - Publications & Subscriptions
- 16. Special COVID-19 issues and stamps
- 2020. COLOMBIA - Lucha contra el COVID-19
- 2020. GIBRALTAR - Thanks! (Postal stationnery)
- 2020. GREENLAND - Fighting COVID-19
- 2020. INDONESIA - Bersatu melawan COVID-19 (United against COVID-19)
- 2020. ISLE OF MAN - Carry Us Through (COVID-19)
- 2020. MACAO - Fight Against the Epidemic Together - Covid-19
- 2020. SPAIN - Agradecimiento COVID-19 (ATM & souvenir sheet)
- 2021. ANDORRA (French Post) - Homenatge als esforços de tothom davant COVID-19
- 2021. ANDORRA (Spanish Post) - Homenatge als esforços de tothom enfront COVID-19
- 2021. DENMARK - Everyday Heroes
- 2021. FAROE ISLANDS - ILA-Virus & COVID-19
- 2021. INDONESIA - Vaksin nasional - Vaksin aman dan Halal (National vaccines - Safe and Halal)
- 2021. INDONESIA - Vaksinasi COVID-19 (COVID-19 Vaccination)
- 2021. ISRAEL - Magen David Adom - Testing for covid19
- 2021. SPAIN - ACNUR frente a la COVID-19 (UNHCR response to COVID-19)
- 2021. SPAIN - Gestión de residuos COVID-19 (Waste management)
- 2022. COSTA RICA - Costa Rica frente al COVID-19 Coronavirus
- 2022. FRANCE - Timbres Passion Moulins Allier - Report 2022 Cause Covid 19
- 2022. QATAR - We are proud of our frontline heroes - Covid-19
- 2022. SPAIN - Salud mental y COVID-19 (Mental health & COVID-19)
- 2022. SPAIN - VIII Concurso Disello 2021 - Por los que nos cuidan (For those who care of us)
09. Classified by TOPIC
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Here you can find a small selection of pieces dedicated to different topics. Please visit also the page of each issue to see other options available (single stamps, sets, covers, maximum cards, ...).
We recommend that you visit the links to the different countries, where you can see images of all the variable value stamp issues ordered by years.
Space & Astronomy
Sports & Olympics
Ships & Boats
Flora & flowers
Art & painting
Fish & marine life
Insects & butterflies
Trains & railroad, stations
Famous personalities
Books & literature
Red Cross